HBO Boxing


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 29, 2004
The South
2 Questions:

Will tonights fights (HBO Boxing After Dark) be in HD?

Will Voom offer HBO PPV of the upcoming Jones Jr fight (for $1 or reg price)

slick1ru2 said:
2 Questions:

Will tonights fights (HBO Boxing After Dark) be in HD?

Will Voom offer HBO PPV of the upcoming Jones Jr fight (for $1 or reg price)


Yes, it will be on HBO tonight at 6:30 pst. It will be in HD. No charge if you subscribe to HBO. Tune to HBOHD East.
JasonX said:
Yes, it will be on HBO tonight at 6:30 pst. It will be in HD. No charge if you subscribe to HBO. Tune to HBOHD East.

Can you give us source information? I did not think it was going to be in HD. I just checked the HBO website and no mentioning of HD for this event.

am i crazy??122- Amacord??

ESPN is DAYS away according to VOOM CSR

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