HD in Las Vegas

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Sep 25, 2006
Does anyone know when CBS (KLAS) and NBC (KVBC) will be offered in HD in Las Vegas? I only get FOX and ABC in HD.
I've done some research on these hold out companies and their parent organizations (just some preliminary stuff).

KLAS is owned by Landmark Communications
URL: http://www.landmarkcom.com/

Contact Info:
150 W. Brambleton Ave.
Norfolk, VA 23510
phone: 1.800.446.2004
fax: 757.664.2163

They have some sort of deal/partnership with Cox, which may be the hold up. Unlike some of the companies I found, these guys actually do have one HD channel on D*, so it looks like D* met their terms once. What that means, I'm unsure.

KVBC is owned by Sunbelt, which appeared to be one of the shadier companies I looked at. They dont have much corporate information out there, and most the information I could find came from a wikipedia article (http://www.kvbc.com/Global/category.asp?C=7906&nav=menu107_10). They have a few other stations but nothing in HD on D*. You may want to contact them directly (check their site) and ask them what the hold up is. Expect a form letter.
The allegation that Sunbelt Communications Company is "shady" is absurd. They're simply a privately held company.

Anyhow, here are the local contact numbers for the missing stations.

NBC KVBC channel 3 642-3333
CBS KLAS channel 8 792-8888
CW KVCW channel 33 382-2121
MyTV KVMY channel 21 382-2121
Shady was the wrong word. Illusive is more to the point. I couldn't find any good concrete contact info for them. Most of the other companies had a website or two. 'Mah Bad' :D

Last night while scrolling through my HD channels I happend to see that KVBC is now in HD on DirecTV.

Now we are just waiting on KLAS, KTUD, and our Local PBS affiliate to make the switch.

I do have a question though. I noticed as these switch over my shows that are recording continue to show up in SD not HD. I also have two channel 3's and two channel 5's. Is there anything we can do to the H20 to remove the SD channels as they are switched to HD and can it find the programs that are set to record and change them to the HD channel somehow?

Paul Scott
1. Don't expect MPEG4 carriage of much more than the BIG 4 and maybe you MyTV and The CW.

2. Use your custom favorites list to remove unwanted channels.
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