HD output to Home Distribution


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 26, 2006
I currently have a 522 and no HD TV. I have been shoppping for a HD TV and my main priorty has been getting one that has good SD PQ. While at Best Buy I found there loop system has the output of SD channel 4 and a HD channel 5.1. The differance was day and night on any TV I looked at. Got me to thinking, When will Dish put a 1080 HD output over coax so any new HD TV could pick up the modulator output of the receivers?

The PQ of my 522 is OK on my 8 year old Toshiba 55" with the S-Video. I would like to get the 622 so I could watch the OTA HD on this TV. I lucky to live in a area I can get 2 CBS, NBC, FOX, WB, ABC and 4 Different PBS that allways have different programing. This is with my SD tuner. I have heard that the HD will have better resepction so maybe many more channels too.

It would be perfect if the OTA channnels would pass through so you could watch OTA And SAT from any TV int the house. The system that best Buy uses also has a pass throught of the local channels. Maybe they could use the QAM channels as an output, but some of the new TV's dont have a QAM channels.
HD output is either component or HDMI, coax is a downconvert and would take away from the picture quality. If your tv has an HD tuner, you will not need a 622 and would probably not want it due to all the fees for not subscribing to Dish's HD packages. If it does not, get either an 811 or 921/942 and use that as the quality for the HD would be the same as the 622 and you would not have to worry about most of the fees for not having HD packages.
Sure, using a several thousand dollar modulator. Unless you want to spend a lot, just get a STB for each TV.

Maybe I'm wrong, but if memory serves didn't the old 5000 receiver have an ATSC modulator that fed the TV with RF? That seems like it would do the trick if they could resurrect that technology.

Allowing unencrypted ATSC modulated output runs afoul of the Hollywood protectionist mafia. They ultimately want all analog outputs to be removed from devices or permanently down-rezzed to 480i.
Allowing unencrypted ATSC modulated output runs afoul of the Hollywood protectionist mafia. They ultimately want all analog outputs to be removed from devices or permanently down-rezzed to 480i.

Yes, yes...and that's the key.
Remember kids, you can record everything in the world you want...as long as the quality sucks. I am a firm believer that that is the real issue. The RIAA and MPAA secretly don't mind if you copy the content...as long as the quality sucks. They eventually gave up on cassette tapes. Open reel tape was too bulky. DAT tape was too expensive and not rugged enough. Enter CDs and DVDs...

Sorry about the rant. :cool: I promise to be good now and put away the flame thrower.
Maybe I'm wrong, but if memory serves didn't the old 5000 receiver have an ATSC modulator that fed the TV with RF? That seems like it would do the trick if they could resurrect that technology.


The 5000 modulator took the compressed unencrypted mpeg-2 20Mbit signal from the receiver and used that to modulate a 8vsb RF carrier. If you can access that signal then all you need is one of these.

Another method is to get a r5000-hd type mod done to capture HD from sats. http://www.nextcomwireless.com/r5000/home.htm

A method I am working on is a video card based QAM modulator. This uses the high-speed video dacs and graphics processor with special drivers to output a RF modulated signal from the VGA analog output port. It's not too hard to generate a static image but HD video is currently vaporware.

I got the idea from this guy.
any type of signal can be copyed if you know what your doing they can't stop us from recording it as it is you can record it in HD on most computers and there are ways to convert it there just using it as an excuse to not let us have a simple cheap way to send HD signals to tv's the want you to think you need a $200.00 3 foot long hdmi cables to get a HD picture they want to make money on us(craploads of it prices on most HDMI cables is close to 200% mark up ) being neglected of a ATSC modulator. dishnetwork did have one on there 5000 model unit I used to have one it worked great for what little was in HD back then however they have discontinued any HD content on the 5000 model

if anyone knows of a place to buy even a comercial one like bestbuy uses please let me know

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