HELP!! 811/34" monitor config


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 28, 2003
I desperately need some help. I did something I have never done before and sold something I knew nothing about :( , to help someone who desperatly wanted the HDTV in a box deal and Dish Cust Service told him he could be put on a waiting list. <br><br>

This customer has: 811, 34" Dish HDTV, and a 508. He wants the 508 for PIP, and DVI for the 811. <br><br>

The problem was, Dish, in their infinite wisdom, set the monitor and 811 to work with DVI by default, and then forgot to pack the DVI cable with the TV :rolleyes: . So all the defaults were screwed with to get the TV to work. I bought a DVI-D cable off Ebay ($9.95, good deal, I thought), and installed it yesterday, and he's not happy it. Dish tech support says the cable is bad.<br><br>

What is the ideal setting for this situation, and how do I get there?
bcshields said:
I desperately need some help. I did something I have never done before and sold something I knew nothing about :( , to help someone who desperatly wanted the HDTV in a box deal and Dish Cust Service told him he could be put on a waiting list. <br><br>

This customer has: 811, 34" Dish HDTV, and a 508. He wants the 508 for PIP, and DVI for the 811. <br><br>

The problem was, Dish, in their infinite wisdom, set the monitor and 811 to work with DVI by default, and then forgot to pack the DVI cable with the TV :rolleyes: . So all the defaults were screwed with to get the TV to work. I bought a DVI-D cable off Ebay ($9.95, good deal, I thought), and installed it yesterday, and he's not happy it. Dish tech support says the cable is bad.<br><br>

What is the ideal setting for this situation, and how do I get there?

What is the problem with the display now via the DVI? If I were you I would use the Component Cables that come with the 811 to hookup the TV until you can run out and get another DVI Cable (I use Monster DVI... but they are overpriced).

If the problem is getting to the Dish screen to select your viewing mode, run a SVideo cable to the TV and switch to that input. There you should be able to adjust the 811 settings as you need to.

Let us know.

Check the 811 and see what your resolution is. 811 come with default 720p for some reason. Hook up video or s-video cables if needed to change res. to 1080i. Also, 811 SD looks much better with it set to 480p.

Good luck
We got it figured out

Apparently there is an S-Video/Component conflict with the Monitor. We finally have it configured correctly. here it is:

PIP Config
508 - Video 2 with yellow/white/red wires
811 - Video 1 with white/red - SVideo

HD Config
811 - DVI-D - cable bought off Ebay for 10 bucks, works like a charm.

Thanks for your help.

Waiting for 811? How long if you got one?

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