Ok, explain to me why what I'm trying to do won't/doesn't work...
I have a BUD. I have a fixed Ku dish pointed at whitesprings. The BUD has a Ku LNB and C LNB that go to a Diseqc switch going to a single receiver. This works.
The fixed Ku dish has a single output LNBF. If I remove the BUD and Diseqc from the equation and run the Ku dish straight into the back of the receiver, I get White Springs with a 70% quality on a Visionsat 200.
The trouble is when I run it into the third port of the Diseqc. The BUD LNB's still work, but the whitespring dish doesn't show any signal. I tried two different Diseqc switches (same brand). I also tried a different cable from the White Springs dish. I also tried a Diseqc switch with only the WS dish on the first port. No go.
Any reason this setup wouldn't work?
I have a BUD. I have a fixed Ku dish pointed at whitesprings. The BUD has a Ku LNB and C LNB that go to a Diseqc switch going to a single receiver. This works.
The fixed Ku dish has a single output LNBF. If I remove the BUD and Diseqc from the equation and run the Ku dish straight into the back of the receiver, I get White Springs with a 70% quality on a Visionsat 200.
The trouble is when I run it into the third port of the Diseqc. The BUD LNB's still work, but the whitespring dish doesn't show any signal. I tried two different Diseqc switches (same brand). I also tried a different cable from the White Springs dish. I also tried a Diseqc switch with only the WS dish on the first port. No go.
Any reason this setup wouldn't work?