Help! The techs are stumped


New Member
Original poster
Aug 26, 2004
Two weeks ago, I purchased a new HDTV (Sony KV-34HS510 direct-view) system and switched from D* to E* to take advantage of their offer of a free 811. After the installer hooked me up with the supplied component cables, the system looked great: crystal clear picture, vivid colors.

Unfortunately, I could not leave well enough alone. After reading various posts on this and other boards, I decided to switch to a DV-I connection. I bought a Monster cable, hooked it up and was disappointed to find that, although the resulting picture was slightly sharper, it also suffered from a faint flickering (alternating bands of bright and dim moving diagonally across the screen).

Disappointed in the result, I unhooked the DV-I, exchanged it for a set of high-end component cables and hooked those up. The resulting picture appeared quite grainy, particularly in the background when the camera panned - a sort of fine pixelation. I decided to switch back to the original stock component cables, but the problem remained.

Here's where it gets real wierd. I called E* and was told it was probably a fault in the 811 unit. They sent me a new (rebuilt) one, but the problem was still there. They spent an hour having me try different dish settings and checking signal strength (all of which was fine). Still there.

This weekend, they sent out a field tech who replaced the connectors on the TV side of the satellite cable. It appeared to help a little bit, but the picture was still nowhere near as sharp as it originally had been. The tech said he was stumped and left acknowledging he could not fix the problem. Now they are sending me yet another 811 unit.

Has anybody else experienced this sort of problem? Does anybody have any idea what could be causing it? And, most importantly, does anybody have a solution? :eek:
If the techs come out again, have them check your actual cable coming down from the satellite. 9 months ago I was having problems with my SD stuff and the original installer put an unshielded cable splice in my gutter. When the tech re-did that plus put in a new antenna (not dish) my picture improved. With my 811 box and Monster component cables, I have had none of the problems you cited with your box, only the aggravating need to reboot it several times over this past weekend which is I believe a software problem.
You could also try hooking up another video source (e.g. progressive DVD) to the component inputs and see if the problem still appears. If so, it could be your TV.
Have you changed your picture mode? I know in Vivid on my Sony you can get what you describe. The fact that you went from Component to DVI and back and when you went back the results are different makes me think something on the TV changed between tests. It could be the 811, but my gut is that the replacement will not help. Also, There is a lot of HD content on HBO-HD and HDMV that is grainy to begin with. For my taste, I found Mild on my GWII take saway most of the artifacts on the Sd and removes the graininess that shows up on Vivid. Try changing your Picture modes on your TV and see if you can get back what you found was acceptable.

As for the fix on the upstream cable, since we are talking digital stream I don't know how that could have improved matters.
WeeJavaDude said:
Have you changed your picture mode? I know in Vivid on my Sony you can get what you describe. The fact that you went from Component to DVI and back and when you went back the results are different makes me think something on the TV changed between tests. It could be the 811, but my gut is that the replacement will not help. Also, There is a lot of HD content on HBO-HD and HDMV that is grainy to begin with. For my taste, I found Mild on my GWII take saway most of the artifacts on the Sd and removes the graininess that shows up on Vivid. Try changing your Picture modes on your TV and see if you can get back what you found was acceptable.

As for the fix on the upstream cable, since we are talking digital stream I don't know how that could have improved matters.

That seems to have done the trick. I had changed to "Vivid" mode when I installed the DV-I cable, becuase the picture was so dim. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem I was having with a mild flickering with the DV-I connection, so I guess I will just use the components. Even with them, I get a little bit of flickering on some channels (most noticeably on Discovery HD). Has anyone else experienced this?
bghoff said:
That seems to have done the trick. I had changed to "Vivid" mode when I installed the DV-I cable, becuase the picture was so dim. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem I was having with a mild flickering with the DV-I connection, so I guess I will just use the components. Even with them, I get a little bit of flickering on some channels (most noticeably on Discovery HD). Has anyone else experienced this?

I have not seen any flickering with my 811. Flickering usually is caused by a loose connection somewhere. Not sure what to suggest here and the fact that it is on both cables indicates that the problem is most likely in the TV or the 811. Since you have a replacement on its way, does this happen with both 811s. If so, My guess would be either an 811 software issue or an Issue with your TV.
I'm glad you solved the grainy problem. I, too, inadvertantly switched to Vivid, and thought something was wrong with the Dish gear at first. (Logical assumption.)

BTW, try using "Pro", and then customize the various picture settings. Also, I believe I disable Sony's digital edge correction. I believe it's called something like DVM, DRC, something like that.

The "flickering" could be a bad DVI cable. Have you tried swapping DVI cables?
Thanks, all. Moving the power strip and generally straightening out my cables seems to have cleared up 95 percent of the problem (though the Monster cables I bought claim to be shielded). I still get a little bit of flickering on Discovery HD, but I think it is beyond my control at this point.

Again, thank you all for your help.
There may be a board problem in your Sony, that has caused your problems and the changing hook-ups were at a time when it may have masked the real problem. I would check your servicer. If they say everything is okay, I would still check the regional Sony service rep (they sometimes have info that is overlooked in the field)

Phew!!! I thought I was the only one with "flickering" propblem. To me it looks more like the refresh rate of the picture. For a second the picture looks good and then it gets just a bit dark and works itself back up to the original brightness. The whole process takes about 3 seconds. I only notice it with DISCOVERYHD. Thanks Guys :D

Rain fade signal?


red p on screen

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