hiding an elephant

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Has anyone here tried to conceal their dishes, and if so, will you please post photos. How do you hide a BUD, or is it better to just accept a few flaming arrows shot your way by the neighbors?
I've always felt that the solid BUD always has stood out more than the mesh types.

Somewhere I saw where someone dug up their yard and put their bud recessed into the ground , but I imagine that it won't track satellite's at extreme East or West.

There are some interesting camouflage ideas I'm sure many members here can suggest , one is painting your dish so that it blends with the background or by using a hedge to cover your neighbors site line to your BUD.
If the neighbors complain, you could ask them if their house is for sale. Say you are going to put up 5 more big dishes and one of your friends from Mars is looking for a house in the area as this area has a good shot at the planets. BUT if the zoning or covenants do not allow big dishes, I would not try that. But again, hey, it is fun!
I have all my dishes on the south side of the shelter belt. Can't reallty see them from the house. You could plant a bunch of trees/bushes north of your dish farm.

I like rv1pop's suggestion too, if the neighbors have issues suggest they could buy you out for say...3 or 4 times what your place is worth, and you would be happy to take the dishes with you when you leave with all those sacks of nasty money..LOL
Just a point that became a little humorous. One neighbor complained about my place, the county inspector came out and found I was in compliance of all codes, but looked across at the complainers and said, "He has cars parked on his lawn. That is against the law!" OOPS! Oh well. As others have asked, "Why hide them?"
I'm not sure I want to hide them, just wanted to see what others have done. The hedge idea sounds OK.

Could an 8 1/2' or larger mesh BUD be easily installed on a "temporary" basis, with it's pole supported by long legs welded on to it?
I have a couple of ground mounted dishes. One is a 10 foot Orbitron, mounted on a pole that's welded to a flat plate of 3/4 inch steel to keep it from sinking into the ground. It has 3 guide cables adjusted tight to keep the pole plumb. That one has been "temporary" mounted for about 5 years now. The other is a 10 foot fiberglass with the mounting pole welded to some I-beams and weighted down with scrap iron and concrete blocks. I ground mounted them because I didn't have poles long enough to sink into the ground. But I did have other scrap metal and made something work (too cheap, I guess). If you do ground-mount, use all possible safety precautions. Those things are heavy and will fall over if not set up correctly. I'd take some pictures but the mounts are under 3 foot of snow now. Remember, if someone complains about your dish, that just means they're jealous. Good luck.
has anyone ever considred camoflauging thier dish? It sounds viable., if I have seen people camoflauge trucks, cars, boats, etc, why not?. It would blend in well.
I saw a mesh dish a few years ago that someone painted john deer green and yellow, turned out nice. I dont mind my dish at all, those people that have the dish farms, it makes them look like a sceintist.

That umbrella dish reminds me of those ugly mushrooms that pop up in my yard durring the summer. It looks like if you got a wind the umbrella would act like a sail and the dish would turn into a ufo :D
reminds me of the time my neighbors trampoline ended up in my yard 500 foot away after a wind storm
build a fake tool shed around your dish. you could even add doors to the front of the dish when not in use.
i saw a c band dish on a home brew trailer and it was license too.
have a great day
The wife gave me the 'curbside appeal' requirement as we live in town. I put the Birdview solid on a pole behind the house at roof level. Ya can't see but about 6" of the top from the curb and it has a better view of the sky than when it was in the front yard. The roof even gives easy access to the feedhorn and dish mover. She couldn't say much as I met 'requirements'.
If the neighbors complain paint the entire dish white (or better - yellow) then paint every-other panel on the face red.
It's either peppermint or hotdog stand... :D
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