Hopper 3 and Sony DN1080


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 13, 2008
Colorado Springs
Strange problem on my DN1080:
Dish Hopper 3 throws HDCP error when I attempt to watch the 4K channel. The port is set to enhanced and I am using 18GBPS certified cables. Hopper 3 directly connected to my 900E does not throw the HDCP error. No other device directly connected to the DN1080 throws HDCP errors when displaying 4K content, Roku Premier and Sony X800 Bluray player.

I would like to keep the Hopper 3 connected to my DN1080 to eliminate the use of ARC.

Both TV and 1080 have the latest firmware.
Strange problem on my DN1080:
Dish Hopper 3 throws HDCP error when I attempt to watch the 4K channel. The port is set to enhanced and I am using 18GBPS certified cables. Hopper 3 directly connected to my 900E does not throw the HDCP error. No other device directly connected to the DN1080 throws HDCP errors when displaying 4K content, Roku Premier and Sony X800 Bluray player.

I would like to keep the Hopper 3 connected to my DN1080 to eliminate the use of ARC.

Both TV and 1080 have the latest firmware.
There are multiple threads about 4K HDCP Errors recently. It seems to be a glitch
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