Hopper Installation Training Materials


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 23, 2011


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You can upload PDF's. :)

If you have trouble you can email them to me at scott at satelliteguys dot us and I can get it up for you. :)
so according to one of the pictures if you use a DPP switch with the nodes you can connect a VIP receiver. also if they are still training the week of 3/4 i am guessing a 3/1 release aint happening.
so according to one of the pictures if you use a DPP switch with the nodes you can connect a VIP receiver. also if they are still training the week of 3/4 i am guessing a 3/1 release aint happening.
How about taking orders on 3/1 but not having an installation appointment available until 3/11?
Did everyone see that the 2 Hoppers can stay separate from eachother. Now you can watch porn on the the one with out the rest of the family knowing. As long as they are on the other Hopper.
Isolators... Bah! If I understand the diagrams, these prevent all channels and resources from being shared, and not just the embarassing channels
Isolators... Bah! If I understand the diagrams, these prevent all channels and resources from being shared, and not just the embarassing channels

That's correct. It would be like it is currently. The Hoppers would be separate. So now the people who are worried about what others see, like Claude was saying, now they have an option. It may not be the best option but it is better than nothing.
Still, we weren't sure if there was even going to be an option for isolating hopper content at all.

I'll bet hiding the embarassing content will still be done thru content/channel locks.
Scott has said that current "dish" installations will work with Hopper/Joey. I have a question about the two Hopper set up. First, here is my "dish" set up. I have two Dish 500s. One on 110/119. The other on 129. The 129 feeds into the LNB of the 110/119 dish. From there, two runs into the house going to a 722, and a 722k. I see on the duel Hopper diagram there are three feeds from the dish. How will my setup work with this? Will my run from the 129 dish need to be moved to the Duo Node with the other two feeds from the 110/129 dish?

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Scott has said that current "dish" installations will work with Hopper/Joey. I have a question about the two Hopper set up. First, here is my "dish" set up. I have two Dish 500s. One on 110/119. The other on 129. The 129 feeds into the LNB of the 110/119 dish. From there, two runs into the house going to a 722, and a 722k. I see on the duel Hopper diagram there are three feeds from the dish. How will my setup work with this? Will my run from the 129 dish need to be moved to the Duo Node with the other two feeds from the 110/129 dish?

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You will need to add a DPP33 or DPP44 switch and use the switch to connect your separate LNBF feeds (one for each of the three sat locations) Then you can add the duo node on the house side of the switch. From there, feed your Hoppers and Joeys per the diagrams.
Still, we weren't sure if there was even going to be an option for isolating hopper content at all.

I'll bet hiding the embarassing content will still be done thru content/channel locks.

Yeah, I think the isolators are more meant as an easy single dish solution for duplexes, basement/garage apartments, etc.
a solo node with a tap and splitter. use the client port for the 3rd joey or a dual node if they allow that with just one hopper.

Or a single three way splitter off the solo client port. Not illustrated, but three way spliiters are supported in the text.
rdinkel said:
You will need to add a DPP33 or DPP44 switch and use the switch to connect your separate LNBF feeds (one for each of the three sat locations) Then you can add the duo node on the house side of the switch. From there, feed your Hoppers and Joeys per the diagrams.

Easy enough. Thank you sir!!!

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so according to one of the pictures if you use a DPP switch with the nodes you can connect a VIP receiver.

Why would they be showing a VIP receiver in diagram if you cannot have mixed setups? I truly hope that they have changed their mind and allow VIPs within
your hopper setup.
In looking through the diagrams it also appears that the maximum # of SATS that can be used would be three? I don't see this as a big
problem for most but would there be cases where this would be a problem? Could the 4th port on the DPP 44 be used or won't it work with
the single/duo node?

HDCP Problem With 612

Alternatives to Hopper/Joey for 2 HDTVs

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