How can I get my directv locals channels from somewhere else to work in other areas?

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Original poster
Feb 5, 2011
schnecksville, PA, USA
Hi there anyone on the satellite guy web site, I have tried to contact directv to see if they would change there satellite that brings the watertown, NY locals channels for my summer home in wanakena, NY area to make it be able to pick up the locals channels form watertown, NY at my other two homes in Schnecksville, Pa and in Altoona, Pa but all they tell me is that they can't do that they are to follow the FCC rules for the locals areas of where the locals channels come out of. before watertown, NY locals were even on directv I could only get the locals channels from, schnecksville, PA up at my summer place in wanakena, NY only but now that I have my summer place closed up for the winter time now I would like to be able to watch the locals news and shows on my watertown, NY locals channels from my home in schnecksville, PA and at my other home in altoona, PA. the only watertown, NY locals channels that I can only pick up at my home in shncecksville, Pa and altoona, Pa is the NBC channel that is not even out of watertown, NY since watertown, NY does not have an NBC channel. is there anyone who can help me in getting directv to make a deal with me and my dad who my directv account is under to make them allow them to let watertown, NY locals channels to work at all 3 of my houses then. or at lease know how to hacked into directv system to change the settings then to make the locals watertown, NY channesl to be able to work at all 3 of my places then and not just only work at just my wanakena, NY home. I would really like it if someone could help me out. my summer home in wanakena, NY does not get cable TV or High speed internet at all I can only get satellite TV and dial up service up there and we turn the power off up there when we are not up there for the winter time s a sling box would not work for me for up there and I only leave one directv HD box up there and the other HD DVR I bring back and forth between my wanakena, NY home and my schnecksville, PA home and my altoona, PA home. and would just like to be able to get my Directv HD DVR HR24 to be able to pick up the watertown, NY locals channels from all of my homes then. so if there is anyone who can help me that will be great then. thanks!!
You're SOL. There is no "moving" that much and directv isn't moving a bird for 1 person to get locals in 3 different places. Sorry
I don't moved alot I own all 3 of these house the house I get my watertown, NY locals from in wanakena, NY was given to my dad and his other 2 brothers when my dad parents had passed away and the place I have in schnecksville,Pa is my main house that my mom and dad both own and the place I have in Altoona, Pa was given to my mom and my mom sister after my mom parents had passed away. and we own all 3 places and go to them all a lot of times the only place we only go to not all the time is in wanakena, NY we only go there only in the early spring time and thought out the summer time but the other places in Altoona, PA we go to once ever mouth and the place in schnecksville, PA is where we stay mostly all of the time where are main liveing address is at. and I had just wanted to be able to get the watertown, NY locals at all 3 of my family places then. As I had say before in the last post I can only pick up the NBC channels from the watertown, NY locals channel feeds from directv on my HD DVR at all of my places. but not the others ones. I can't even get my schnecksville, PA locals at my place in altoona, PA but can get them all in schnecksville, PA where they come from on directv as well as up in wanakena, NY as well. all well, I guess if there is no way of getting the watertown, NY channels then in at all 3 of my places then I guess I will just have to change my services address on directv to the address I am at to get the locals channels from that area that I am at then. Thanks for the help then.
Jimbo said:
People "Move" all the time....

Hitting 3 different locations is gonna be a problem though.

That's what I mean. I know several "movers" but 3 markets!? Good luck :D
I live between 2 big cities, and Time Warner used to give me locals from both cities because of my location. Why can't Satellite co.'s off that and the sub channels?
I live between 2 big cities, and Time Warner used to give me locals from both cities because of my location. Why can't Satellite co.'s off that and the sub channels?

They do - sort of. If you add an AM21 tuner and a good antenna, you can have all the local signals right on your Directv guide. Subchannels and neighboring market channels are shown assuming the channels are in the Directv/Tribune database.

Maybe if the OP got 2 AM21s and added them to his set-ups away from the home account, he could get good enough signals for locals for that market to be displayed on the other boxes.
They do - sort of. If you add an AM21 tuner and a good antenna, you can have all the local signals right on your Directv guide. Subchannels and neighboring market channels are shown assuming the channels are in the Directv/Tribune database.

Maybe if the OP got 2 AM21s and added them to his set-ups away from the home account, he could get good enough signals for locals for that market to be displayed on the other boxes.

I guess I want to know why cable companies can offer it, but not Satellite.
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The best answer is what you were told, by DirecTV. They are governed by FCC local coverage rules, that give locals exclusive coverage rights. Here I am in the Portland market, but can also receive stations OTA from Bangor. But the FCC only allows DirecTV and cable to carry the Portland locals.
Also the satellite signals, of local stations, are transmitted in spot beams and only cover a small area, unlike the national beams of ESPN, USA, Discovery, etc. So when you go to Penn you could be out of the spot beam for the NY station and couldn't receive it even if the FCC allowed it.
I guess I want to know why cable companies can offer it, but not Satellite.

Basically because the cable companies get to play by a different set of rules than the satellite companies.
mflynn3322, I checked the satmaps at the top of the page. There is no map currently for Watertown, but the one for Rochester looks like you may be able to get service at all three locations. Assuming that the setups you have at the two PA homes are correct, check the signal strength for 99s t3.That's where the Watertown locals are located. If the numbers are in the mid seventies or so, you should be able to get them, although bad weather could easily knock them out.
Meh, put a RV title on the account and get WNBC, WCBS, WABC, WNYW(FOX), & WDCW all out of New York.

BTW, for people that live in NY, does DirecTV use these national feeds or do they have separate spot beams for them?
The simple solution to this problem is to sell the houses where you can't get the signal, Lets face it you don't need three houses!
BTW, for people that live in NY, does DirecTV use these national feeds or do they have separate spot beams for them?

nope. Same set of locals for both distant folks and folks who live in NYC market

Remember...Directv never broke any rules when it comes to distants so they dont have to follow the very strict rules Dish has to :)
nope. Same set of locals for both distant folks and folks who live in NYC market

Remember...Directv never broke any rules when it comes to distants so they dont have to follow the very strict rules Dish has to :)

Sweet, I have a close friend that lives in Brooklyn.

The OP should just use an address that gets the NY, NY market and that will work everywhere then.
The op mentioned in his post that he wanted the Watertown locals.
Meh, put a RV title on the account and get WNBC, WCBS, WABC, WNYW(FOX), & WDCW all out of New York.

BTW, for people that live in NY, does DirecTV use these national feeds or do they have separate spot beams for them?

Only IF you have a RV, they want proof as well.
Also, from what I've heard, they want a separate account for the RV, can't verify that though.
Pretty sure WDCW is not from NY as WPIX is the CW affiliate from NYC that my parents have via Dish Network.
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