How do you like the 322 ?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 19, 2004
I am Thinking about buying a 322. Anybody have one and how do you like it?
Is the 322 a worthwhile investment? Hows the reliabiltiy? What has anyone heard? Thanks!
lloyde6 said:
I am Thinking about buying a 322. Anybody have one and how do you like it?
Is the 322 a worthwhile investment? Hows the reliabiltiy? What has anyone heard? Thanks!
Officially the 322 (and 522) are not for purchase by anyone other then brand new DHP (soon to be DHA) customers. You can however find a few places on ebay selling the 322/522s...probably against Dish's wishes/rules. Be cautious however that you aren't getting a used one from a DHP customer selling something that isn't theirs to sell.
I like my 322 a lot (Ebay purchase), and Dish did not have a problem activating it for me (same goes for 522 I bought). BUT, I do hear rumors that may change, so I would call Dish first before buying one, have them note your account that they will activate a 322/522 if you buy one.

As far as the receiver goes, it does exactly what it supposed to do, give you total control from 2 different TVs from one box. The newer software used in the 322/522 is a great improvement from other Dish receivers. I actually like it better than the 921 software.

The only problem/issue I noticed with the 322 is that the screen will go black every 2-4 hours by itself when no user input is taking place. Simple channel up/down brings it back. I have talked with advanced tech about this issue and it is being "worked on". Once this glitch is fixed it will be as stable as a 301, but much more advanced.

1 and 1/2 thunbs up from me (will be 2 when glitch is fixed)

I would go with a 522 and wait for it to become available to existing subscribers to see if they offer a deal like they do on the 510 and 811.

721 slow response on on DD channels ?

Dish 811 vs JVC's 811

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