I've got an old C band 11 foot mesh dish that I want to use for 1296 MHz moon bounce. I once used it for C band, and it has not moved for 20 years so it seems stuck. I am wondering how to safely get it apart. It says Von Weise on the motor, and Uniden UST 705 on the plastic rain cover.
When I put 12 volts on the 36 volt motor both ways and it jerks like it wants to move. It looks the same as this one from another post:
There are two 1/8x2 inch bolts going through the gear box which I removed and it let me peak into the gear box, the grease looked like good synthetic. There are three short screws holding the outer tube to the gear box, I removed them but nothing came apart. The plastic wheel with the optical notches seems to be pressed on?
I plan to run the motor manually with East/ West switches and wire a pulse counter to the optical sensor.
Sorry for such a newbie question, thanks,
-Chris VA3ECO
When I put 12 volts on the 36 volt motor both ways and it jerks like it wants to move. It looks the same as this one from another post:
There are two 1/8x2 inch bolts going through the gear box which I removed and it let me peak into the gear box, the grease looked like good synthetic. There are three short screws holding the outer tube to the gear box, I removed them but nothing came apart. The plastic wheel with the optical notches seems to be pressed on?
I plan to run the motor manually with East/ West switches and wire a pulse counter to the optical sensor.
Sorry for such a newbie question, thanks,
-Chris VA3ECO