I really moved...


New Member
Original poster
Jul 19, 2004
I'm a newbie guys!I moved from the D.C. area to central America(San Salvador,El Salvador)and I'm wondering how could I can still get my direct TV signal from here? I'm pretty desperate because I barely speak Spanish and the Sunday NFL Ticket is approaching and I don't want to freak out on my family or the locals because I just can't watch FOOTBALL....HELP!!!!! Please is there anyone who could calm me down and give me some encouraging news?The only thing I could come up with is a question is "A satellite dish strong enough to get a signal pointed towards Houston?" I also stumbled along a website called "Followmetv.com" that left me wondering about the possibility.....creole04
You should consider alternatives to DirecTV in El Salvador, because the signal is simply not very reliable (or strong) that far away from the U.S. mainland.
Get a Sirius Satellite Radio subscription, as it will be loaded with play-by-play of many games, and has been reported to work as far south as Colombia.
Other options you might consider for access to broadcast network stations that may carry professional football: a Canadian system from STAR CHOICE.
Between U.S. choices of two markets (Seattle or Spokane from the West,
and Detroit or Buffalo from the East Coast), plus over 50 Canadian TV stations in five time zones, you have access to the majority of NFL games on a Sunday, and this is in the basic package. STAR CHOICE will work in all of Mexico with a 36 inch dish, and the signal gets weaker as you go southward.
Check with any sports bars and see if anyone is having success with STAR CHOICE in your location.

Otherwise, a large C-band dish (10 to 12 feet) should be considered.
MPEG-2 will bring you six stations from Anchorage on 137 West (AMC-7).
Network reception can be had from other locations using a combination of
Videocipher 2 analog or Digicipher 2 digital subscription receivers.
Unfortunately, the NFL has left C-band, and you are not going to get your normal fix of variety where you are located. So find the best selection of broadcast stations that are available.


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