I want my D* :-) but can I :-(

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 18, 2004
do you think I can pick up both DirecTV birds?


Hello -- I have been wanting DBS for some time (use to have Dish) but with no locals the wife won out - actually the Cable co won $$$ :)

I had Dish come back since we now can get locals from either direct or dish. and he wired my house (really nice job infact) and could only lock on the 119 bird with a strength of 70-80, and the 110 was not to be found (it would keep finding wrong one)...

So he left with a LOS issue :-(

Do you think I could pick up the DirecTV birds -- I live in CT

thanks in advance....

Get them back out to try it again! You were just "unlucky" with your first installer, any installer worth their salt will peak that dish within a few moments, don't give up on DBS! If you cant find an installer try here.. www.dbsinstall.com ....good luck......if the installer opened the box then cant get line of sight because of trees or whatever its their fault!!!! There are supposed to know what they are doing and if there is no line of sight they are supposed to walk away, but alas many are too greedy to think of the customer, but most are just kids hired because they work cheap!

johnner1999 said:
do you think I can pick up both DirecTV birds?


Hello -- I have been wanting DBS for some time (use to have Dish) but with no locals the wife won out - actually the Cable co won $$$ :)

I had Dish come back since we now can get locals from either direct or dish. and he wired my house (really nice job infact) and could only lock on the 119 bird with a strength of 70-80, and the 110 was not to be found (it would keep finding wrong one)...

So he left with a LOS issue :-(

Do you think I could pick up the DirecTV birds -- I live in CT

thanks in advance....


Cut down whatever trees are blocking the 110 bird, then call Dish back.
You shouldn't have a problem since D* uses 101 for their main programming and 119 for locals. Provided you don't have too many trees in the way 9 degrees from 110.
is that 9 down (toward earth) or accross the sky?

like I said I use to have dish with no issues - both birds showing 100-110 on the meter :-(

i really loath cable tv :)
Well I'm back :)

went to alocal Radio Shack and bout just an el-cheap'o kit and I'm setting it up now.

STRANGE thing...

now I can lock onto the 110 echostar at 90-93 singal level but no 119 (it shows wrong sat 110) ARG!!!!!

what adjustment should I make? in the switch check program it says warning only one sat found?

please help :)

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I want national feeds...

Direct TV vs. Dish

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