If I Switch to Sunday Ticket HD Next Year ....

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 20, 2006
.... what new equipment will be required?

I currently have a 3 LNB RCA dish, feeding a stardard DirecTV D11 receiver. I am assuming an HD-capable receiver will be in order, but will this current dish work okay?

Sunday Ticket is the only programming that I buy from DirecTV, so I don't receive any free equipment or installation from them. I don't have any need for recording, so I'll just be looking for a plain-jane HD capable receiver. Are they easy to find, and is that something I'd have to get through DirecTV, or could I buy one privately? Sorry for so many questions .... I'm just weighing the idea of switching to the HD version of Sunday Ticket next season, and want to find out what I need to do.

There has been no word if ST will move away from MPEG2 and I do not see it happening next season so a MPEG2 HD receiver and that PhaseIII will work fine.

BUT you will be looking to upgrade yet again when new nation HD become a reality next fall/winter 07. So it might be less headaches in the long run to go all the way now.

Some games will be blacked out on ST because they are on your local affiliate; if you do not yet have OTA then you would want that and/or the MPEG4 setup so that you can get your LIL HD if available.
Some games will be blacked out on ST because they are on your local affiliate; if you do not yet have OTA then you would want that and/or the MPEG4 setup so that you can get your LIL HD if available.

That may not be necessary. All throughout this season I have received the HD games on the NFLST channels, even when they were available on the local affiliates. The SD games however were blacked out. In the area that I am in Direct does not provide HD locals through the dish.

Someone else may want to chime in here if their experience has been different.
Let me say it better by changing "will be blacked out" to "might be". My DMA is HD MPEG4. That being said; BUT you will likely be looking to upgrade yet again when new national HD become a reality next fall/winter 07. So it still might be less headaches in the long run to just go all the way now.
The standard HD receiver is the H20, about $100 at Circuit City, Wal-Mart, etc.

D* might install the new dish when you add the receiver.

I too have seen no blackouts on the HD channels.
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