If you're recording Friends or ER Tonight...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Smyrna, GA
You may want to make some adjustments. This was posted on the NewsBlues website:

NBC continues to play its own dirty tricks. The "Friends" series finale will start At 8:59 p.m. and end at 10:06 p.m.

Which means ER will end at 11:06 p.m.

Which means that NBC affiliated stations in metered markets will get a huge, artificially inflated number in the first quarter hour of their late newscasts, when people are still clinging to the contrived final six minutes of ER.
Thank you Dish for having such a crappy PVR system. I recorded the finale so I guess I may as well just delete it without viewing it.
You can thank NBC and their $2 million dollar commercials for making it 1:06.

I watched the finale on ExpressVu (2 hours before the finale was shown on NBC :D) and on there it ran :59...
DarrellP said:
Thank you Dish for having such a crappy PVR system. I recorded the finale so I guess I may as well just delete it without viewing it.

This is what makes some of us have to reply to "Dish Bashing" The TIVO'S did not get the last few minutes on their own either. As has been pointed out before both are dependant on the guide. And most often it is the network making changes and the guide not reflecting it that screws things up. While I do think name based it better, it is not always accurate either.

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