Indoor antenna


Original poster
Jan 12, 2004
Currently I can get most of the Digital Locals using rabbit ears. Would the Silver Sensor make a difference? I am at most 13 miles from the towers here in Sacramento. Thanks
You will probably get a stronger signal overall from the Silver Sensor and may be able to just leave it in one position all the time for all channels. On the other hand at only 13 miles out a paperclip could work just fine. YMMV.
I disagree . I am 13 miles South Of Mobile and need a big dog attenna preamp and rotator. So it's a huge YMMV
Yup. It's all about the terrain between you and the transmitter site. You could be five miles from the transmitter but if it is on the other side of a hill you could have so much multipath interference that the signal would be unusable.
Do they have mountains in Sacramento?

dlsnyder said:
Yup. It's all about the terrain between you and the transmitter site. You could be five miles from the transmitter but if it is on the other side of a hill you could have so much multipath interference that the signal would be unusable.

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