internationals not on dish, on W2 sat, what do i do?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
I'm interested in some international channels that are not offered on dish. i found out they're offered free on W2 hispasat. can anyone tell me what i need in order to receive them? I'm looking for any portuguese channels, in specific here, SIC Internacional, Sic Noticias, SIC Radical. If anyone with more knowledge can help me finding a way to receive these channels, it'd be greatly appreciated.
well if the satellite you are talking about is truly W2 then you would have to move to europe or at least way out into the atlantic ocean,

because W2 is located at 16 degrees east,

here is the eutelsat W2 company webpage

also here is the lyngsat W2 webpage
Yeah, guess i won't get that anytime soon. I know that SIC Internacional and possibly some of the other channels I mentioned are offered here in the US through some satellite. is there any way of finding out which satellite? I tried using but i doesn't let you search by a channel. can anyone help?

a local bar near me receives the channel so there has to be a way.
Hey! I Am Portuguese Too! Well As Of Right Now Dish Is Still In Plans In Putting SIC Internacional On Dish Network, But There Is No Agreement As Of Yet! Also, SIC Internacional Is Located On The Satellite DTH Globecast Satellite. They Are Charging 299.99 For Their Dish and $39.99 a Month For SIC Internacional/SPT. I Think This Will Help You! But You Never Know DISH may just acquire SIC Internacional and then we can watch more Portuguese Channels On Dish Network, but as far as I know they are still working out a deal! :D

AppliedAggression said:
I'm interested in some international channels that are not offered on dish. i found out they're offered free on W2 hispasat. can anyone tell me what i need in order to receive them? I'm looking for any portuguese channels, in specific here, SIC Internacional, Sic Noticias, SIC Radical. If anyone with more knowledge can help me finding a way to receive these channels, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Yes,we can help you to see hipasat using blind search recvr and a 90 cm dishh, please contact me at 860-223-3474


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