It is a new dawn at DISH.

Lt Disher

SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 26, 2009
We have dealers who seem to hate DISH and continue to sell their products, we have people who can't get over the fee structure, we have people who hate the part-time RSN situation, and many more things. All of these may be valid complaints.
They are.

Or, maybe they like other things about Dish, or there is certain programming not available elsewhere, or they have a low-priced package to which their is no equivalent elsewhere, or any number of possibilities.

You see, unlike the popular extremist view that seems to pervade society today, many people are fully capable of liking some elements of a thing or person, and disliking other elements. In fact, they may like that thing so much, that it bothers them even more that there are problems in an otherwise good thing.

That is what rational-thinking people do. In politics, it is known as being a Moderate or Independent. In life, it is called being an adult.[/QUOTE]

Gary, I agree with you 100%. No company can fulfill all of our needs. What I was commenting on, however, are people who come on here with constant negativism and almost a hatred of DISH. I believe in moderation. This is exactly what I was trying to get at, although not too artfully, I guess. I still think that if someone really thinks that a company is out to screw them over, it does not make sense to give them your money.


SatelliteGuys Master
Pub Member / Supporter
Feb 27, 2010
And to be clear .. I hate the management at dish.
Seriously... hate? Disappointed, frustrated, disagree with fine... but hate? Shouldn't feelings like that be reserved for those that purposefully try to mess with you... and people that talk in the theater.


SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Mar 14, 2008
Eastern Iowa
Because some people have no other options or alternatives than to go without any service.

You can't say Directv, you can't say Cable, nothing.. you can't leave a company that would take from you an early termination fee of roughly 2 months worth of service. Not only would that be money lost, but then you wouldn't have two months worth of service, and would still have to save for two or more months, because the *NEXT* company wants a deposit, or because of your credit, wants you to pay full price for the install, or pay up front for a "leased" receiver, etc.

Its a very different situation to be in, when you have the money and the freedom of choice it provides, than when you don't.

On the other side of that ... A customer paying their bill as requested, not being able to use the services they are paying for, have every right to complain about the services. (sling adapter, dish online, 922, 722 overheats, etc etc etc etc)

And to be clear .. I hate the management at dish. I recently had to push buttons, yell and scream till I finally got to Broadband Support / Advanced Broadband Support (? what ever it was called) ... and after all of that, the supervisor I talked to confirmed my biggest complaint with dish ... that the left hand of dish ... doesn't know what the right hand of dish is doing. That supervisor went onto DishSupport and saw a few issues, and when I asked, he said he thought the people running that appear to be more under the Marketing Dept of Dish, rather than Technical Support.

this is not to disparage Dish IRT .. they do very good at what they can .. but if they don't have ties *directly* to Support and Engineering, then any technical problems are as good as left unresolved because the problem isn't getting to where it needs to go.

Maybe that supervisor wasn't a supervisor (he did call me from dish on a follow up) maybe they have something against Dish IRT or Marketing (god knows I'm not marketings number one fan) but its the second time I've had a *direct* chat with a dish employee and come away with the same frustration (left hand / right hand disconnected)

So THAT is quite possibly why haters appear, and why people might still be here stuck with dish ...

I love having Dish and selling Dish but you are right, it's like they have different divisions that have know idea what the other is doing. I know it's frustrating for customers but it's more frustrating being a retailer. There are a lot of times when we know more about the business rules and how the system works than the person on the phone at Dish does. Payments can be a royal pain too.

There are numerous things that I wish Dish would fix. Many of those things are the same that all of you want. Overall though it's not that bad. If I thought it was that bad I wouldn't sell it or have it in my own house. I try to look at things from both viewpoints, the customer's and the business side. I tend to favor the business side more though because of being in management myself.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 7, 2011
Seriously... hate? Disappointed, frustrated, disagree with fine... but hate? Shouldn't feelings like that be reserved for those that purposefully try to mess with you... and people that talk in the theater.
I know.. strong word ... but really what else encompasses what a royal screw up their management is when it comes to communication (new item roll out etc) and support?

I could go into detail but that's more a PM conversation than public.. last time I tried to explain it people completely misread what I'd written... and to think it was only a "small" problem with services that got me out here ... and then once I saw behind the facade of Dish ... that I realized how disgusted I was with the company.


Rich or poor, it's good to have money.
Supporting Founder
Yeah. Back in the old days, their confusion and disorganization was quaint and charming, and gave them a sort of scrappy, startup, david-vs-goliath appeal.

But, now that they have been a multi-billion dollar corp with over 10 million subscribers for some time now, that act has gotten old, tired, and frustrating. It makes them look a bit foolish, at best, or dishonest, at worst.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 15, 2010
Sun City West, AZ
Scott, you say that Dish has no plans to add HD RSN's and that they may even eliminate some? Didn't Dish say sometime in the near past that they would be having HD RSN's 24/7? I'm surprised that you want more sports programming yet consider those that complain about that same lack of sports programming to be wasting our breath. I've always believed that the squeeky wheel gets fixed first. Like someone else who mentioned earlier, there are many reasons to stay with Dish even though wanting the best company, Dish, to get better is a good thing.


SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
So why are you still trolling then Bob? You have made you point a million times.

Scott, It's a valid point.. and I am not trolling, (Not intentionally). You would think that dish would correct their business model which is failing. My question is why wont they if they know it is failing? Or who has the blinders on that wont come to the reality that it is indeed failing. Every quarter we see the numbers come out that is unsustainable for dish in the long run. I have moved on a long time ago, but I want dish to add the full time HDRSN's as it is an option, it promotes stronger competition between them and their competition.

While I understand they are trying to make themselves different but how they are doing it is killing them. The way you go about doing that is you offer everything that the top dog does, and then some more. You take the market by storm by simply having everything in HD and then some more. You don’t do it by getting rid of programming you don’t like or you think is too pricey. You offer it at the higher price and let the subscribers (market) decide if that value is too high or not. If they want it they will pay for it. DirecTV’s model does it nicely!

Aside from that, you add in BBMP and other extras that sub’s can’t live without. You need to sell it to them that way, otherwise your message gets diluted. Dish's reputation has become so crappy that they wonder why they can’t keep subs. You can try to polish a turd, but in the end you still have a turd. The only way to shape a turd into something nicer is to make the right changes which dish is not doing.

Aside from that... I do have to give a disclosure... While I do work for a RSN, and have expertise in the field and how things are handled, Like it is said in my signature, the postings of myself here are not those of my employer, and are of my own thoughts and don’t reflect the views or discressions of my employer, which has nothing to do with me posting here, my personal thoughts or opinions about dish. I really want the best for dish and its very disappointing to see them not add the programming that is causing subs to jump. It's obvious that subs are jumping ship. If everything was right in dish land, the subs would be staying.........
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SatelliteGuys Pro
Pub Member / Supporter
Oct 30, 2003
Rochester, NY Region
And I would pay an extra $5 a month for Significantly Viewed neighboring channels..........which the FCC allows but Dish has apparently decided not to offer.

AFAIK, it isn't Dish it's federal regulations that prohibit it. I know that when I had my BUD, the only reason I was able to subscribe to the Denver channels was because I had subscribed to them before the new regulations went into effect. I was grandfathered in.


Member of the Month - July 2014!
Pub Member / Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
You're right, too much vitriol.

Too many "involved" in their hatred, unable to move on.

Too many expecting too much for too little.

Too many thinking Dish is doing wrong while Dish's revenues are doing quite nicely, thank you.

Too many thinking short term events are going to be long term events. Dish has done well by shucking a few customers. Income statement proves that. And doesn't mean the losses will continue forever.

And too many too emotional and think they can run Dish better than the current management. When for good reasons it's obvious to many if not most that they can't.

REMEMBER. This company started out of the back end of a pickup truck. Clearly, Charlie Ergen knows what he's doing.

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
People forget that DISH is a business to make money, and if you pay attention the more people get upset at DISH the better their profits are.

Funny how it all works.

Remember profit is not a dirty word. :)


SatelliteGuys Guru
Apr 25, 2010
Saint Louis, MO
Scott, It's a valid point.. and I am not trolling, (Not intentionally). You would think that dish would correct their business model which is failing. My question is why wont they if they know it is failing? Or who has the blinders on that wont come to the reality that it is indeed failing. Every quarter we see the numbers come out that is unsustainable for dish in the long run. I have moved on a long time ago, but I want dish to add the full time HDRSN's as it is an option, it promotes stronger competition between them and their competition.

While I understand they are trying to make themselves different but how they are doing it is killing them. The way you go about doing that is you offer everything that the top dog does, and then some more. You take the market by storm by simply having everything in HD and then some more. You don’t do it by getting rid of programming you don’t like or you think is too pricey. You offer it at the higher price and let the subscribers (market) decide if that value is too high or not. If they want it they will pay for it. DirecTV’s model does it nicely!

Aside from that, you add in BBMP and other extras that sub’s can’t live without. You need to sell it to them that way, otherwise your message gets diluted. Dish's reputation has become so crappy that they wonder why they can’t keep subs. You can try to polish a turd, but in the end you still have a turd. The only way to shape a turd into something nicer is to make the right changes which dish is not doing.

Aside from that... I do have to give a disclosure... While I do work for a RSN, and have expertise in the field and how things are handled, Like it is said in my signature, the postings of myself here are not those of my employer, and are of my own thoughts and don’t reflect the views or discressions of my employer, which has nothing to do with me posting here, my personal thoughts or opinions about dish. I really want the best for dish and its very disappointing to see them not add the programming that is causing subs to jump. It's obvious that subs are jumping ship. If everything was right in dish land, the subs would be staying.........

I normally try to stay out of these dog fights, but I've been a DISH retailer for 11 years and have thousands of customers. Ironically, I generate the vast majority of my customers from advertising on sports talk format radio. To date, I can count on one hand the number of complaints I've received about the RSNs not being full-time HD, and then ONLY when DISH decides not to show a live sporting event in HD. I've never had a single customer call me to complain that the "Midwest Sports Report" is not in HD. Never once. Not Grumpy, Sleepy, or Papa Smurf. Not a single soul. For that matter I've only had one customer call me about losing Disney in HD, and not a single complaint about losing HD feeds ABC Family, Disney XD, or ESPNews (frankly, I was braced for the worst). I can also clearly state that I'm not aware of ever losing a sale because those channels weren't in HD - full-time or otherwise.

I go back to the very early days of the DVR - the DISH Player (helluva GUI even though the unit was a piece of sh*t). I was the very first retailer in the Midwest region to install a 501 PVR. I remember being in a meeting with a local radio personality who was going to endorse my company and we were talking about DVRs and his eyes lit up. He looked across the table at me and stated "My God, this is going to be like printing money." And it was. I rode that wave for years until AT&T, Verizon, Charter, and DTV finally caught up and then surpassed DISH tech (if you remember the quarter prior to DTV's release of whole home dvr tech they only gained 13K subscribers and spent a small fortune in doing it).

The point I'm making is technology drives consumers, and when DISH tech ruled they grew by leaps and bounds. Indisputable. Un-refutable. I remember at one point DISH had more active DVRs in the marketplace than all the other providers combined. Since then DISH has most definitely lost that edge, and with it subscribers. I get calls everyday from uVerse, DTV, and Charter customers wanting to switch, but they won't take step back in time to an inferior DVR (no pun intended).

Now what happened between the 722 and the Hopper is conjecture (the fiasco with the 922, etc). But, I can tell you this - I now have a substantial waiting list for the Hopper. I didn't advertise it, or publicly talk about it. These are people who've heard about it and know me through my advertising. Most of them have between 4 and 6 TV's (mostly HDTVs). Every single one of them has called me back after I emailed them additional Hopper info (including a link to Satellite Guys' vid with Vivek .. thanks be to Scott!) telling me how much they want it. More than half think the PTAT feature is awesome. We quickly forget that most consumers aren't the power users we are, and the Hopper/Joey system fills and mostly exceeds their expectations and desires.

DISH's new website, printed material, and upcoming media campaign is substantially better than the old (hard to believe DISH never had a national campaign before now!). Plus, it's starting to look like they'll release Hopper/Joey on time, if not a few weeks early. Thanks be to Joe for that! I love Charlie, but putting Joe in charge so he can focus on what he does best has turned out to be genius.

DISH does not have to be DIRECTV, but they do have to be technically competitive, smart about capacity, and forward thinking. Everything they are now. There will be growing pains (finding the right niche and message for Blockbuster @Home would be a great start), and some people will be left behind. And if DISH really can roll-out a dependable nationwide ultra high speed network using their already owned bandwidth, then game over.

Now in full disclosure, I own my company and this opinion is the opinion of my company.


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Aug 26, 2011
Knowing Dish, a 99cent package comes out to be $74.99 after factoring in the fine print and fees they don't tell you about at sign-up ;)

Disable 222k standby mode on TV2

Recording and remote viewing on joey question

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