L365 Bugs


Hardly Normal
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 14, 2006
Normal, IL
Ralfyguy reported that the pause button is now screwed up on the 622 running L3.65. Pause works, but hit play and it jumps to live tv.

I tried to replicate it, and sure enough. No bloody pause function right now!!! Skip seems to still work though.

So, I guess this is the first bug for the new release. Good to see E* fixed stuff. :mad:

EDIT: I will do a reboot to see if it goes away, but Gray's Anatomy is recording right now.... If anyone else can replicate the bug, and test if a reboot works, that would be helpful.
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well...just tested mine. I am on L365 and pause is working just as it should. Tried pausing, then hitting pause to resume. Then tried pausing and hitting play to resume. Both worked normally.

<knocking on wood>
Clarification -- pause does not work on LIVE TV. Pause works in a DVR. But when I pause live tv, it pauses, but when you hit play, it jumps to LIVE TV.

But again, I can't reboot until 11pm Mountain time. Maybe that will make it go away..
rockymtnhigh said:
Clarification -- pause does not work on LIVE TV. Pause works in a DVR. But when I pause live tv, it pauses, but when you hit play, it jumps to LIVE TV.

But again, I can't reboot until 11pm Mountain time. Maybe that will make it go away..
I discovered this bug in L363. It has carried over to L365.
Does the L365 fix the audio problem? I am still running L363. Is there a way to upgrade it or does the system have to do it itself?
Yeah well if it was me and I had some kind of issue I would make sure to power off the receiver. Then uplug it for abougt 2-3 minutes then plug it back in power it see what happens from their..
temp work around is to hit frame back while paused then it does not go to live. Seems to jump 30 secs but better than rewinding

assume this gas been reported andseems majority have this bug

if you look the counter seems to lag right after hitting pause. So its out ofsome sort of sync or whatever it uses to index where it's at

also I use single mode just in case it matters
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I spend about 30 minutes to testing this reported bug, here is what I found (at least on one of my 622s):

Pause the Live TV, if hit Pause (or Play) to resume, it reverses couple of frames itself then plays.

Pause the Recorded Contents, if hit Pause (or Play) to resume, it plays from the pasued frame.

I don't experience anything that jump to Live TV on resume. I will test the rest of 622s later today.

From what I am reading here, there are ones has the bug and others don't. Could that be has something related to box revisions? I have both C & D series boxes.

Just a thought.
Do a manual reboot should fix the video loss while changing channel problem.
I see the pause on live doesn't work as well like it did two updates ago. If I hit pause anywhere under 10 seconds it will jump to live. This is a definate bug we have had since L363. THis needs to be fixed.
I was able to reboot, and the pause on live issue is still there. But the workaround of skipping back once does seem to work.

As far as the argument that this only happens for pauses of less than 10 seconds, that does NOT seem to be the case. It is still jumping to live tv.
scott78945 said:
Does the L365 fix the audio problem?

That is the big question isn't it. Its been more than 12 hours since the update, and I haven't seen any new reports of audio drops/lockups in L3.65. I am hopeful that the problem may be gone. But geez, I hope I am not jinxing myself. :(
Yeah very good point on the C&D series of boxes!! Thats something to look at so folks having that issue do check that.. See what box you have the C or the D..
Hey rockymtnhigh.. Do you have a C or D box just something to check that way folks can compaire things. There could be some design diffrence between the two maybe then be easire to isolate the issue..
Poke said:
Hey rockymtnhigh.. Do you have a C or D box just something to check that way folks can compaire things. There could be some design diffrence between the two maybe then be easire to isolate the issue..

Assuming it is the letter at the end of the 12 digit code in between the two long bar codes in the middle of the white sticker on the back of the 622, then I have a C.

If that isn't the number, let me know where I should be looking.



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