Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: Salt (theatrical version)

The ending was entirely different (as were some other parts) from the extended, unrated cut. They seemed to leave it more open to a sequel in the theatrical version (I thought), whereas the extended/unrated cut pretty much wrapped it up.

Next: ?
Last: The Tourist and Black Swan

The Tourist was OK. Not as bad as HDD made it out to be. Black Swan was just bizarre. Good though.

This weekend we're going to try to get in either Trons or Chronicles.

Last: Unstoppable

Very fun flick, just long enough. PQ was excellent at times, some scenes a tad grainy. Audio had some good rumbling too.

Next: Tangled 3D
Last: Little Fockers and Blood Out

Little Fockers was fair at best. Blood Out was horrid.

Next: Hopefully some 3D this weekend.


The Equalizer 3