leave your console on all the time?

Common sense turn off your appliances when done, unless your the kind that leaves the stove on all the time.
I typically try to turn off and unplug everything when I'm done. I don't care as much about saving energy (although now I do since I want to stay under the university's radar) as I do keeping the temperature of my equipment down and cutting down on power surge issues.
Does this mean that you (any of you) leave the console (PS3 for instance) on full blast all the time, or is this just referring to standby mode. I admit I leave my PS3 & 360 in standby mode--which is what I assume the study was actually meaning when they said "off". While the PS3 has a switch on the back of the unit, I never turn it off. The 360 doesn't even have such a switch. So do you actually unplug the 360?

Also, does flipping the switch off on the PS3 make any difference?

That said, I would never leave my console(s) on full blast even if I wasn't trying to conserve. The heat and noise alone would be enough of a motivator to put them in standby mode.
PS3 uses nearly the same power when you're playing as it does when just sitting there in standby. Put it on a surge strip and shut it OFF when not in use or unplug it.
Why would anyone leave the console on 24/7 anyway, especially the 360. You get enough RROD's just turning it on and off all the time.
PS3 uses nearly the same power when you're playing as it does when just sitting there in standby. Put it on a surge strip and shut it OFF when not in use or unplug it.

That doesn't make any sense at all. When in standby the fan isn't on, the hard disk isn't spinning. How could this be true at all?
Because the transformer is still sucking 110v of power and converting it to a lower voltage even when it's not on. Feel your transformer even when you PS3 or 360 is off. They're still hot which means they are still using electricity.
I'm not saying that it isn't using energy, but the SAME amount as when it is running full speed with a game or movie. I find that very hard to believe.
There was a similar discussion surrounding another article that came out in June 2008 about how the PS3 costs 5x/year to run than a major household appliance such as a refrigerator. Some guy conducted his own test and found the PS3 only consumed 4 watts in standby: Kent Boogaart: PS3 Power Consumption

Although, IMHO, the planet could benefit greatly if we all turned off our power strips when not in use (though DVRs and inaccessible strips make that hard for some), I personally would be more concerned about the amount of power used by leaving lights on in empty rooms or running a 58" plasma TV several hours/day.
I leave my PS3 on to fold. Figure it is still under warranty and the increased electricity costs are my donation to furthering medical science. How can anyone fold if they are turning the unit off?
I don't have to heat my bedroom in the wintertime with all the things I have running 24/7 in it.

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