LG 3200 anybody have this STB?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 10, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
LG LSS-3200A anybody have this STB? or Sony SAT-HD300

I would like to get some feedback on this box before I buy it.

My local retailer tells me that this STB is indentical to the Sony SAT-HD300 which they can no longer get from Sony. I have my doubts.

I had a Sony SAT-HD200 which I thought was well made.

Is LG up to snuff? Thanks!
LSS-3200A is equal to SAT-HD300 is equal to Hughes HTL-HD

These 3 receivers are all made by LG and are electronically identical. So you may pay the extra $300 for the Sony name (or $100 for the LG Name) if you feel you need to but I would get the Hughes at $249-$299 ... I have the HTL-HD and it is the best looking thing on the market so far.

FYI you said LG3200 in your post and this a cell phone.
slacker9876 said:
LSS-3200A is equal to SAT-HD300 is equal to Hughes HTL-HD

These 3 receivers are all made by LG and are electronically identical. So you may pay the extra $300 for the Sony name (or $100 for the LG Name) if you feel you need to but I would get the Hughes at $249-$299 ... I have the HTL-HD and it is the best looking thing on the market so far.

FYI you said LG3200 in your post and this a cell phone.

Alright, sorry about that! I'm looking for a new STB, I'm happy with my Moto V600...lol..I guess the question becomes is the LG the same as Sony when it comes to the guide-software? I've found the Sony STB software to be very good.
Seawaves said:
Alright, sorry about that! I'm looking for a new STB, I'm happy with my Moto V600...lol..I guess the question becomes is the LG the same as Sony when it comes to the guide-software? I've found the Sony STB software to be very good.
I would think ... they have the same firmware and software for DirecTV, make the salesperson hook it up, if not just buy it and take it back if you don't like it.
slacker9876 said:
I would think ... they have the same firmware and software for DirecTV, make the salesperson hook it up, if not just buy it and take it back if you don't like it.


I'm gonna do just that-thanks for your help. Now I have to deceide if I'm gonna cancel Voom. You did- is that right?
Yeah, but it was because of PQ not channel line-up. I am ticked that D* does not have StarzHD and EncoreHD ... I like these networks better that HBO. I think Voom has the Chance to be great and I may be back on with them in October, IF they roll out WM9 and I see here the PQ issues have been corrected and IF they have a DVR available.

D* may have a nice HD offering by fall but I am thinking it will be all NFL Sunday Ticket. I would prefer year-round HD from Starz & Encore

Voom has the best HD line-up (hello! 365 channels) but the content was not for me and they were missing key channels that the wife wanted and that I wanted, plus the channels they offered had the PQ probs. Once they "grow up" into a great company I'll even shell out the 500 bucks for a DVR IF it is good. :cool:
Where might the HTL-HD be found for $249? I've found it several places for $299 but I'd love to save another 50 bucks if possible.
slacker9876 said:
Yeah, but it was because of PQ not channel line-up. I am ticked that D* does not have StarzHD and EncoreHD ... I like these networks better that HBO. I think Voom has the Chance to be great and I may be back on with them in October, IF they roll out WM9 and I see here the PQ issues have been corrected and IF they have a DVR available.

D* may have a nice HD offering by fall but I am thinking it will be all NFL Sunday Ticket. I would prefer year-round HD from Starz & Encore

Voom has the best HD line-up (hello! 365 channels) but the content was not for me and they were missing key channels that the wife wanted and that I wanted, plus the channels they offered had the PQ probs. Once they "grow up" into a great company I'll even shell out the 500 bucks for a DVR IF it is good. :cool:

I have to say I mainly watch HBOHD-W and DHCHD and my locals. I'm going to buy the LG and get Direct TV.

I'm not sure yet if I'll stay with Voom. I'm not going to shell 1k for the DTV hi def Tivo though.

If Voom is smart and changes vendors- I might consider the Voom DVR.
I have the LG LSS-3200a and i have been more than pleased with it. I got it from a local retailer for 399.00. Picks up all avail OTA very nicely. Now if there were just more D* HD channels avail.... I get tired of watching Discovery HD.
bruss said:
I have the LG LSS-3200a and i have been more than pleased with it. I got it from a local retailer for 399.00. Picks up all avail OTA very nicely. Now if there were just more D* HD channels avail.... I get tired of watching Discovery HD.

Well that's the reason I left Direct last year (that and my Tivo broke) not enough HD but Voom is not up to par yet.

Does your LG deocode local cable TV?, i realize you may not have this setup.

My Sony SAT-HD200 did and it was a very nice feature.
Sonnie Parker said:
Where might the HTL-HD be found for $249? I've found it several places for $299 but I'd love to save another 50 bucks if possible.
Circuit City had them at the price for a while, if you have an Ultimate Electronics in your neck of the woods they have a 10% off "Christmas in July Sale" running right now, that woudl drop it down to $270.
Seawaves ... as I said these boxes are all identical, even the HTL-HD does cable, as it should since it is the same as the Sony box that is 300 bucks more :D
I went ahead and ordered 3 receivers from Robert at Value Electronics today. All Hughes... HTL-HD, Tivo, and Director. He was nice and gave me a great deal on the package with a 3LNB dish and $50 rebate once I do my self install and activate.
Slacker.. you mentioned NFl ST and D having a deal this fall, maybe this is tied to the deal I heard about the HD-Tivo being sold through D at half the price and spread over 3 months?
Seawaves said:
After all that- my dealer tells me they are getting the Sony SAT-HD300 in stock on the 18th.

I'll have to buy one.
Dude, it is your stuff but why would you waste $300 bucks like that? I am just curious ...
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Sunday Ticket programming changes last year

Need info on install of the Dtv triple dish w/5 recv

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