lost everything but bloomberg and ewtn.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Apr 16, 2010
saint charles, missouri
checked my dish and then cleaned two inches of wet snow off it. now i can get a few more stations. did not realize that snow would block the signal, or is it reflected off the snow? charlie
It will reflect some, and absorb some. If it's on the dish, what's reflected isn't focussed on the feed. If it's on the feed cover, none, or very little, get's in.
The weight of the snow on the bottom portion of the dish will also cause it to loose signal quality and most likely the reason you lost your stations, very similar to when you tweak the dish. If you pull down on the dish or push up the signal and quality will change.
...and then cleaned two inches of wet snow off it....

So....where exactly does the snow accumulate...inside the dish? :D
Digiwave 39-inch ku-band Dish_1.jpg
top half was clean, bottom half built up to over two inches of wet snow. when it gets colder and the snow is not wet i don't think it will be a problem. charlie
Well, I am sure happy the large amount of moisture I had today and more coming Sunday was rain. That much water would easy been 12 to 14 inches of snow. Still 42 degrees here in Western Michigan. Every day that goes by this time of year and it does not snow, I CHEEEEER! Cuz it it one more day closer to Spring.
Years past when I got up and the dish was pointed mostly South it would have a big load in it and signal was down somewhat.


I'm just a short ways to your east (just north of Fremont). We ended up with about 6" of accumulation I think. I cleaned 3+ inches off my car, went to town and back. Really slippery! After a couple hours had another 2+ inches on my car.

I didn't lose my satellite TV signal, but I have a 1.2M dish and it doesn't collect snow very easily. I did lose my WildBlue satellite internet signal though. Had to go out and clean that dish off. Snow covered the bottom 2/3 of the dish to about 3" deep. The feedhorn cover had a couple inches on it, too. It was sloughing off the dish because the snow was so wet and the air temp was just a hair above freezing. It probably would have cleaned itself off by late afternoon, but I didn't want to wait for that.

Snow changes the focal point of the reflector, so the strongest signal won't be reflected into the feedhorn. Weight of the snow will also cause issues.
I seriously doubt that the weight of the snow is going to present a factor BEFORE the adsorption, dispersion and blockage of the signal by the snow has already killed it.

Snow, even very wet snow, shouldn't affect the dish aim unless the dish is extremely flimsy. Ice accumulation on your LNBF support bracket could definitely affect the focal positioning of the LNBF. Freezing rain can bring down huge tree limbs, so it can obviously change your satellite dish components and alignments if allowed to accumulate.

glad to see someone in the area. are you close to 275? kids are in st louis and kansas city so we travel that way to get there. took my kband geopro dish and new openbox to st louis at my daughters house this thanksgiving. interesting doing the install. at least i knew the system was working... charlie
glad to see someone in the area. are you close to 275? kids are in st louis and kansas city so we travel that way to get there. took my kband geopro dish and new openbox to st louis at my daughters house this thanksgiving. interesting doing the install. at least i knew the system was working... charlie

Yes, I am roughly 4 miles east of 77/91/275 (close to the weigh station north of Fremont). Hwy 91 turns to the east just a bit south of the weigh station and heads to Blair. I am near the second little town (village) on 91 called Fontanelle.

I think we received around 6" of snow (hard to tell being so wet, some of it melted). How much did you receive?

just got done cleaning off the dish farm this morning after the 5+ inches of snow we got

way too much snow on the dishes....thats why the signal were down a little bit ;)
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