Last year Dish put the first two days of the masters on the hd event channel. Does anyone know if they will be doing that again?
BFG said:I don't think they have the rights to do that. Your Local CBS on the digital channel only should be broadcasting the thurs fri games, So if you have CBS HD via dish you'll get it that way, otherwise you'll have to check to see if your local station does the retransmission
FAiello said:Wiggy,
Where did you find out that Dish will be showing The Masters on the special events channel? I can't find it noted anywhere.
Bobby said:Use your remote to go to Guide. Go to channel 9466 and then to 12PM PDT or 9AM EDT on Thursday. It clearly says Golf is on.
FAiello said:I'm using the Model 6000 the program guide does not go beyond a few hours.
Cyclone said:Hint: Go to the dish 6000 program guide and get on the HDEvent channel. Enter the number of hours you wish to jump ahead. Enter 12 for example and then press the right arrow button. It will have to retrieve, but it should jump directly to 12 hours later in the guide.