Maximum Bandwidth Exceeded??

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Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Rocklin CA
I got this message and was unable to access this site around 5pm. It sais try back later. I am able to get on now, after 6pm pacific. Are we having bandwidth issues? I guess that is the mark of success...;)

Yup we passed our 20 Gig limit (WOW!)

I upgraded us to the next level. :)

A big thank you to our host (F5Hosting) for being there on a Friday night and upgrading us so quickly. :)
That is a per 24 hour/day bandwidth limit that resets at the top of each hour? That is how ours used to work until we upgraded too.

Thanks for your hard work...Steve
No our limit was 20 Gig in a month. :)

Now we are higher. :)

Can't believe how fast we have grown, thank you all!

And thanks to all who have donated as we were able to jump to the next plan from our ISP with no problem at all.
I figured this site was getting pretty busy and that Scott would have to upgrade his bandwidth and that it would be considered good news instead of bad. Congradulations.
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