Yesterday I "cleaned up" my database a little too thoroughly. I deleted 103W Ku with the plan to rescan since the tps were all so strong. Unfortunately, I forgot about the dozens of 12145 MHz audio channels that don't scan in and that I spent a couple hours manually typing in long ago.
I still have a backup of the previous database which contains these audio channels. Is there any way to only import the 103W transponder? It seems to me I must either import the whole database or nothing. I could do this but I spent time yesterday scanning each transponder in so I would lose those updates.
This is not so urgent since I guess I must retype all these into the Edision database anyway since this is my main receiver now.
I still have a backup of the previous database which contains these audio channels. Is there any way to only import the 103W transponder? It seems to me I must either import the whole database or nothing. I could do this but I spent time yesterday scanning each transponder in so I would lose those updates.
This is not so urgent since I guess I must retype all these into the Edision database anyway since this is my main receiver now.