Missing DVR recordings

PAA Bike Guy

New Member
Original poster
Aug 28, 2016
Burbank, CA
Hopper with Sling, Joey 2.0. I have recorded many t.v. show series and have come to discover that many episodes are missing. For example, I recorded Designated Survivor since the 1st. episode and now only have the pilot episode on my recordings list. Did my recordings just disappear? Is there a time limit on storing the programs? Any help would be appreciated.
This just started to happen to us too. The recording will show we have 28 items but when you go to it only 2 show up. Some other items show nothing with the blue dots just repeating. I am trying a partial reset now to see if that fixes it. If not we are going to cancel dish because we are fed up with their buggy software.
This happened to me a couple days ago with my recordings of The Expanse. I was able to get them to come back by transferring the whole folder to my External Hard Drive.
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