Movie Channel HD - Will it be on 61.5, 110, or 105?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 12, 2003
KC Area
I assume the new Movie Channel HD, announced today by Showtime, will be automatically added to any Showtime sub's channels. The question is, will we be able to see it when it launches? Will it be on 61.5 with Showtime HD, or will it be on Superdish? The third option would be to put it on 110, I guess, which would be OK, also.

This is one of those good news/bad news announcements. Another HD movie channel can't be bad, but you wish it was something else!

Brad :?

Greetings AGAIN from Baltimore!

So, what's in the development hopper for later?

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