Greetings AGAIN from Baltimore!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Greeting's once again from Baltimore, the site of Dish Networks Special Conference. (Or as I now know it the Dish Network SUPERCHARGED conference) :)

I will give more details later but today I met with Charlie Ergen and Jim Defranco, as well as most of the Dish Network executive team.

I was also given complete access to all of Dish Networks new hardware, including the 921, 811, 522 and 322. I spent a good part of the day trying all the units out. :) (I am happy to say I took plenty of pictures) :D I must say after using each receiver, that the future looks bright for Dish Network customers!

I plan to do an initial write up tonight and include some photos, and when I return to home tomorrow I will post more of the pictures and do a more thorough job of giving you my thoughts on things.

My thank you to Jim and Charlie and the rest of the Dish Network staff who made me feel welcomed and for giving me the opportunity to get a advanced look at everything that Dish Network will soon be offering. :)

Look for my first write up and group of photos later tonight.

Thanks for being a Satellite Guy!
Wow, all four models!

I'm looking forward to your insight on each receiver.
I look forward to brining that insight to everyone here.

Help spread the word that brings you the scoops first. :)

Ok let me go offline and type up my initial reviews. :D
The ONE revealing tidbit from your 811 shot is the DREADED "Info not available" in the EPG! I thought the 811 would have more memory space for the EPG!!
Hey Scott,

Get the hell out of the HammerJack's! You got a wife for crying out loud! :D :D :D
From what I understand there is an update going up in a few days which will allow most non DVR to store 2 days of guides. I was told (not necessarly by Dish) that the guide needs some changes to make this work.

I am told that the 811 at release will indeed store 2 days of guide in its memory.

Also you need to remember that people were pulling these units out of the rack to see the connections on the back and there is a good chance the 811 got unplugged for a few moments.

And since I am in a good mood...

Another pic!
Hehe, FSTV was showing "Covered Girls". Those Commies crack me up.

I hope that they had OTA hooked up to the 811 and 921. I really wonder how they are going to handle PSIP and guide information. Especially the 921 since its a PVR, the Guide will become more vital there.
Any mention of dates when the 921 and 811 will be availble yet???

Also, on the 921 screen capture I notice the DHVS setup. Does that mean the Dishwire ports will be available at ship???

Thanks for the sneak peak!
Wow thanks for those screen shots, I only have one thing to say, SHWING! :D

Will there be any news on new programming, i.e. HDTV?
Sooooo kewl! :) Thanks, SatelliteGuy! This is almost as much fun as Christmas anticipation!
Scott Greczkowski said:
Well ok, since you can't wait :D

I notice the 921 has a menu option for the internet just like the 721 . I wonder what that is for. Maybe in the future they enable it for internet access with their new broadband sat internet service. Sorry I couldn't resist saying that . :D I guess I will be waiting until they get their internet service up before I will get the internet option on my 721 , if I still have it in the future.
Scott, why does the newer menus on the 322 and 522 look different than the menus on the 508 and 301. Are they going to change all the menu software in the existing receivers to this also ? Why didn't they have this menu for the 811 as well?

I think it would be nice to have some consistency with the menus on all the receivers except the Linux ones of course. They could stay the same as they are except please change that awfull green color on the 721 and 921 program guides too.

No digital channels on 8vsb

Movie Channel HD - Will it be on 61.5, 110, or 105?

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