Multiple locations again


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 31, 2006
i have my primary residence in chicago, and secondary cabin in northern wisconsin. i have a dish and receiver setup at both locations, on the same account. problem is, here in chicago, i get abc/nbc/cbs/fox via satellite no problem, but in northern wisconsin i cannot get them because they must be on spotbeams for chicago.

how can i keep my current setup, and get the abc/nbc/cbs/fox channels at my northern wisconsin location as well?

i have already considered just switching my "location" to northern wisconsin and having that as my primary address, but then the reverse will apply, and i cant get those networks in chicago. i would be forced to use antenna in chicago. i also lose comcast sportsnet in chicago if i change my primary i guess what i am asking is how i can keep chicago as my primary location, and get the local feeds on satellite in my 2nd location of northern wisconsin?
What you are describing is indeed not allowed. You are not clear if both houses are watching at the same time, that is account stacking and Dish and Direct will take action on that. To alleviate the possibility of stacking, what is allowed, you can take all receivers with you to a second residence, and then call dish to give them your current location.
He says it's a cabin....I'd venture to say it's a weekend or vacation hangout. You'll be out of luck with locals via satellite with satellite :(

I'd say your best bet is an antenna at your cabin. I use the "coat hanger" antenna and several buddies have good luck with it as well.
Could also check all america direct to see if you qualify for distant locals.They only carry SD now but if you qualify at least you would get the major nets at the cabin.
He says it's a cabin....I'd venture to say it's a weekend or vacation hangout. You'll be out of luck with locals via satellite with satellite :(

huh? THe issue is he is not in the spotbeam. We've got a cabin and take a receiver there.....and we get the locals fine (because we're in the spotbeam)

Remote question

Two really annoying issues. HELP!

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