Need a bigger EVu dish!


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 13, 2005
I've got the ExpressVu dual sat dish (24" I think...) that came with my 6100, but I get a lot of rain fade on some of the 82 sat transponders (namely 23 which is where Doctor Who airs in HD on CBCHE).

Can anyone recommend a larger dish that will fit on the mounting bracket already on my roof? I've seen some 30" FTA dishes on eBay, but I'm not sure they'll fit the bracket or hold the LNBs for 91 and 82...

Thanks much!

I've got the ExpressVu dual sat dish (24" I think...) that came with my 6100, but I get a lot of rain fade on some of the 82 sat transponders (namely 23 which is where Doctor Who airs in HD on CBCHE).

Can anyone recommend a larger dish that will fit on the mounting bracket already on my roof? I've seen some 30" FTA dishes on eBay, but I'm not sure they'll fit the bracket or hold the LNBs for 91 and 82...

Thanks much!


I'd go with two dishes instead. Here's a popular link I've seen posted the wingeard dish in this link for more prices:
I'd go with two dishes instead. Here's a popular link I've seen posted the wingeard dish in this link for more prices:

Thanks for the quick reply! I would go the two dish route, but I think my wife would be less than thrilled if I put another dish up on the roof. She just doesn't get the 'command center' look :)

Does anyone use a single 76cm dish for both 91 and 82? Is it as simple as using the LNBFs that are on the ExpressVu dish currently or would I need to buy/make a custom spacer?

Thanks again,

you could use a 30" dish for both. I assume you have 2 separate LNB's (one for 91 & one for 82)?

If so, you should be able to put the LNB directly into the clamp without any changes (most dishes have an adapter for the LNB holder to support the smaller throat of the LNB)
I think I'm going to try one of the Channel Master Gain Master 35"x26" dishes. Hadn't seen that one before.

Bell ExpressVU Uplink Report - 10-16-2006

New SC HD Channels

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