Need info and help with decision...Please!

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Original poster
Nov 7, 2004
North Vernon, IN
Ok...I currently have Direct TV.... I have been with them for 1.5 years and currently am not in any committment with them. I have total choice plus programming for 49.99 per month, plus 5.99 for the protection plan, plus 10.00 more for 2 extra recievers for a total of like 65.00 plus taxes. With taxes its about 69.99 month for my 3 tvs and the protection plan. I am ok with the programming for th emost part except that it goes out every time it rains hard. What I want is for my bill to be a little cheaper and I would love to be able to record on 1 or 2 tvs using a DVR. I called today and asked them of any promotions or deals if I would sign up for another contract...All I got was 2 movoe channels for the price of 1 or something like that. I asked about a deal on a DVR and it was like 99.00 I think with a 2 year committment. Ridiculous!!!! This was from some regular customer service guy, so who knows...
So, I call a local dish place and looked online.. I can change over to them with the same 180 channels for 49.99 month+5.00 for locals+10.78 for an exrtra receiver AND DVR service. total of 65.98 month with a 10.00 credit for 10 months making it 55.98 for the first 10 months... And thats with a DVR that will run 2 TVS and another reciver for the 3rd and 4th rooms.. install(49.99 install fee credited back on bill) and protection package with committment or only a 49.99 install and no free protection package if I dont do the committment.
So, my question... What should I do? I just want to be able to use DVR capabilities and looks like I could save some bucks too. Good , bad, ideas, suggestions?
Is there a retention number that would help me out? What would be feasible to try and do with Direct? Thanks..
Call Directv retention number -800 824-9081 and tell them that. They will bend over backwards to make you happy. You should get the DVR free. Just remember if the first CSR doesnt budge, Hang up and call right back - I've found from experience, Different CSR's will give you more than others. I was trying to get a HI-DEF DVR but the first CSR wouldnt budge, I immediatly called right back and the second CSR took $150,00 off. I called the next day and the CSR saw the notes on my account about the price. He asked what I wanted and I told him I wanted the best deal without having to call back everyday and he gave it to me FREE, Along with numerous credits and free premiun channels. Good luck :hatsoff:
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Dead Hard Drive?

10-250 broke, what will i get?

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