New 1000.4 Installation Q's


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 20, 2005
Bangor, ME USA
If the 1000.4 guide shows my zipcode area (044xx), does this mean it does work there? If I can convince an installer to provide me the lease hardware, I'd like to convert my brother away from the single-dish D* but I just want to make sure that I can use EA here. There's a clear view in the sky and all that, the AZI/EL/SK is 205, 38, 94 for here if it matters.

I realize there's no locals for us yet on EA. He just wants to use his HD antenna he already has to get locals over the air.

Also, does anyone know if an installer that will just mail the box and dish? Last time I did this through a place in Ohio and they just mailed me the stuff since it meant they didn't have to roll a truck. All of my stuff is on lease with DN, which is how I prefer it.

Thanks in advance.
I'll have to find one, a lot of them closed and up and left. Most of the installs I see done here are done by people with vans operated by Dish Network, not by local dealers.
Yep I might do that.

Silly me, thought this was Technical Discussions section of Satelliteguys. I'd think things like "will this dish even work here?' would've been a valid technical question. Seems it isn't and I should just call Dish in the future and instead post one of the many 'Dish CS sucks' posts in the regular Dish Network forum.
Yes but I'd like to think someone here would know if I were too far north into the Northeast to use EA for some reason. Originally I read that the Northern part of Maine was going to have problems getting a strong signal.
I ordered the 1000.4 dish setup from The Dish Store (a sponsor here) for 100.00 dollars. All of my vip211s have the new G3 card installed. Dish set up fine and have had no problems since. I am in Central CT. The look angle for my site are: EL 41.8, AZ (true) 180 and skew 90.

I have one 211 on the 1000.4 dish and the other 2 are still on my dual dish system 110/119 and 61.5.

Not sure that will help but wanted to post something that might be helpful.
"If the 1000.4 guide shows my zipcode area (044xx)..."

I believe that means that in the range of 04400 to 04499 those elevations and azimuth are used.

BTW, I just had the eastern arc installed in ZIP 14450 (Rochester, NY area) and it works fine but sans locals which I get with a temporary Dish 300 pointed at 110. We are hoping they will arrive early next year. My ex-neighbor is the manager for the local NBC network station and he says that the ALL ROC locals will go from SD to HD (not just DTV) at the coming February digital transition...FWIW.
I wasn't sure if they only showed zip codes that could be used for EA, but then looking back I saw zip ranges for like Beverly Hills CA, which isn't a EA target any. It seems they just put every zip range in there.

I'm not sure what they'll do with locals here. Dish was supposed to convert to digital hardware in August to take in the signal, I suspect they did. This means that they should be all set for HD here too, theoretically. The only bummer is that our FOX affiliate is only SD over the air at the moment, but yet they're HD On cable and D*.

I did find someone online that is in Southern Maine that is using the EA dish and getting 50s for signal on the new meter. That looks promising.
Ignore P Smith, he thinks he has to reply to every post telling the poster how dumb they are

That more dumbest reply what I'd seen here.

Dude, did you reading in black glasses ?

Then look again: "Anyone from Maine who already got EA install with 1k4 dish ?"
For your eyes only: I'd like to know REAL facts about existing install(s) of EA 1k4 dish for Maine residents !
I'm a Dish Installer, and to answer your question to zip codes, the Last 2 (x's)
represent the last 2 digits of your zip code. So if your zip is between 04400 and 04499 you need to use skew and elevation setting's listed on line 044xx.
I understand that. I was namely pointing out that the EA guide lists my zips in this state for aiming. However, when I went back and looked, I noticed they list zips for basically all of the US, so that isn't necessarily a sign of 'can I use this dish here?'.

Originally I heard that part of the Northeast wouldn't be able to use the EA dish, so that's the only reason why I was wondering if anyone knew for sure.
Yeah looks that way.. over on DBSTalk there was an installer in Portland that put one in and it worked. But that's 2 hours away.

I figure I'll get one and give it a go at the start of the year and post back. Hopefully they get our locals up in HD at some point. D* already has them here but I'd rather go without than ever be a D* customer again.
Number means nothing in the case, exclude LOS issue.
Because nobody knows a footprint of the trio for that particular place.
What? Number means alot. Don't make it more difficult then it really is. No he may not get certain spotbeams ,But he most certainly would still receive conus signal with a look anle of 38* in elevation. The spacing is closer with 61.5,72.5,and77 ,Then 110,119,129. . My Dish 500 on the 110,119 was a 28* in my area that came in fine. So your saying 38*elevation would make him out of the footprint? Again WHAT? I bet you more then 3/4 of the country could use this setup if needed.. When his Number say 205/15/90 for AZI/EL/SK
Then I would say he's out of the footprint.

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