New 811 problem


Just a regular guy
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Dec 2, 2003
Jacksonville, FL
My 811 just developed a new problem I have not encountered here.

There appears to be left behind information from the info banners. The picture is marred along the top with what I would describe as staple holes. 2 lines of perforations. Imagine if a seam was ripped on a hem or a label removed from clothing. The holes in the material from the needles is what it looks like. The holes themselves are red, green or blue.

When the banners are up the holes are not there. It does not matter if it is dish programming,OTA or HD. The holes are even in the black bars.
I switched inputs and cables on the tv. It does not happen with 301. I have rebooted and they still remain.

Anyone else ever encountered something like this?
Kevinw said:
My 811 just developed a new problem I have not encountered here.

yadda yadda

Anyone else ever encountered something like this?

Does this happen on all channels with both SD and HD outputs?

I have something similar happen with my 811. When viewing OTA DT, and using the SD output (for recording usually), I get that perforated edge at the top of the screen.

I believe that where the extra information, such as station name, program info, etc is located. However, we are not supoosed to see it. It should be outside of the visible picture.

Apparently, there is another 811 bug. It is underscanning (overscanning?) the image in certain situations.
No only using the component outs. S-Video doesn't have it. It is not the overscan issue I had tha till I moved the picture up. This is related to any image overlay. It is a perforation in 3 rows. From the top of the screen it goes down about 8 inches sort of like:
:::: : :: : ::: :::::
... .. .. .. .. . . ..

And it goes all the way across even over a windowboxed picture. It's as if some of the info is left on after the the banner is gone.
Called and talked to a CSR. After explaining the problem, the CSR started going through the typical procedure. I was instructed to Power off the box and then repower. I told her I have done everything possible before calling. She insisted, so I complied.

Next she asked me to pull the smartcard!!!! Suprise. Suprise.. I then said "There is no smartcard on a 811. Skip to the part in your script that says We will have new receiver to you shortly."

New one should be here Wed.
I had this same problem a couple of months ago. Called tech support and they had me unplug the receiver for a minute or so and plug it back in. Fixed the problem and it hasn't shown up again. Hope it works for you.
It almost sounds like what happens on a PC with a defective video card or a bad driver.

When you say you moved the image up to get rid of the overscan, are you taking about moving it with the 811 (I only remember right-left adjustment), or with your TV/Monitor?
I've had this problem several times on my unit. A system reboot (push the power button on the receiver for several seconds) always solves the problem. It seems to happen the most when I trying to receive a weak analog OTA station.
As many hang-ups the 811 has currently I think a new receiver is questionable that it will eliminate any of your issues. I'm gonna give D* awhile to get their equipment the way it should be, if after 3 months and the 811 still has problems, D* is history for me. I bet they wouldn't be as patient as us for non payment as we have had to be with their inoperable equipment.
Last night the box locked up again requirung a hard reset. Shut the TV off and went to bed. Lo and behold the problem was gone. When I get the new box this week I'll check it for issues and see if there may be some hardware difference between a box from the fisrt weeks caompared to new today( unless they send me a refurb)
GaryPen said:
It almost sounds like what happens on a PC with a defective video card or a bad driver.

When you say you moved the image up to get rid of the overscan, are you taking about moving it with the 811 (I only remember right-left adjustment), or with your TV/Monitor?
I'm sorry misred your original statement. I sometimes get the bleeding edge whenever I watch The MOvie Channel
gpflepsen said:
KW, how's that Samsung OTA tuner working? :)
I tried it out and it was fantastic. Much better than the 811 for locking channels. I loaned to a friend who has yet to see his TV in HD..slow conversion process ;)
I had thought about Ebay but with the 811 issues and the HD pack being limited in programming, I may Ebay the 811 instead at the end of my HDpack contract.

What is HD Special Events Channel Used For?

811 program guide

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