Hi guys.I have subscribed to dish for years,but the latest fiasco was enough to convince me to switch.I just finished ordering online and the earliest install date shown was 10-23.Any ideas for a way to find a quicker install? Thanks.
Buy a dish and get the receivers and install it all yourself.
My LNBs are pointed at 110, 119 and 61.5 for Charlie, how much of a change would it be if I did the install myself for D? I would need new receivers and a new switch, anything else?
What you have from dish will not do you any good.
Will take a totally different dish, mount, and receivers. I would not try to do it yourself.
But i would like to learn how to do it. We are not talking rocket silence here, are we? At lease not on this end!
I suppose it just depends on where you live. Here I called a local company today and they are coming to do the install in the AM.