New Dish Network HD Essential Pack Info

I had something here but I have deleted it because my information was wrong and the question posted was Moot.

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Looks like you will lose the Universal hd channel, Discovery hd theater, Hdnet movies, I guess NHLN and NBAtv and soon the Bigten when it changes to it own pack. NO big loss on any of those for me. I don't really watch much of any of those. I do like HD net movies sometimes but they are all older movies anyway. I like the fact that hd net is separate in the essentials pack. I can still watch Torchwood in hd. I could care less now about Voom channels as they have become repeat city with the same two movies over and over again. I will miss MOnsters hd , but even that channel has become boring and repetitious. This is a good compromise for those who are tired of paying 10.00 more a month for stuff they no longer watch.

Just to clarify this post, the 8 states with Big10 teams will continue to get this channel with their regular programming.:up
No one has brought this yet. I have AT200 + DishHD. I do not have Animal Planet HD since its in the AT250 pack. According to Scotts post, if I DOWNGRADE to the Essentials HD pack I will lose some of my channels but then pick up Animal Planet? I wasn't planning on downgrading. Will Animal Planet be offered to us AT200 customers that keep the ultimate pack???

i have at200 and dishhd,i get animal planet channel 184 in hd.

go check your set. you should have it too
If you have NHL Center Ice you already get the NHL Network HD on 559, you won't get channel 403 if you drop to the $10 HD package. I am hoping you can still get 559 even when the season is over this spring and summer. I want to know why channel 559 does not have the 24 listings that channel 403 has! NBA TV is the same way, only shows live game listings on channel 560 and 24 hour listings on channel 402.

So by going with the essentials package with AT250, what other channels besides Voom will I be losing?

I dont understand how they can be removing the voom channels. I thought rainbow only sells them to providers when they take all 15channels and have to included in thier base hd package with no addditional charge.
only thing I am wondering about is the Big Ten network...? What package will that be moved to...and will it require a certain package or multisports pack subscription. Until I know that awnser, not making any changes. :-) otherwise losing only hdnet movies and big deal. If they had a cartoon channel, would actually consider going with the hd only package :-)
B_Kranski, this all depends on where you live. If you live in one of the Big10 states, I think there are 8 states with Big10 teams., you should recieve this with the AT100 package or higher. I believe everyone else will have to purchase this package separately in either the sports pack or some other newly created pack. Thats the way I understand it anyway.
B_Kranski, this all depends on where you live. If you live in one of the Big10 states, I think there are 8 states with Big10 teams., you should recieve this with the AT100 package or higher. I believe everyone else will have to purchase this package separately in either the sports pack or some other newly created pack. Thats the way I understand it anyway.

I am curious where they will put the Big Ten for those of you outside Big Ten country. Multi sport pack or maybe ala carte. My step father is in Missouri and he subbed to dish just for this channel. It would be nice to know how much he'll have to pay for it.
Clarification On Hbohd

No, you'll still get your HD movie premiums if you continue to subscribe to any movie premiums. You dont need HD Ultimate to continue to get the HD movie premiums.

Where is the reference for this? Scotts note says:

"– dishHD Essential with America’s “Everything” Pak – (28 national HD channels, as of February 1, 2008, plus any applicable HD regional sports networks) – Includes all national HD channels that are included within dishHD Essential and AT250 with the addition of HBO HD, Cinemax HD, Showtime HD and Starz HD."

This seems to say you need everything PAK to get HBO HD.
The downgrade charge is a load of crap, but the Ultimate package is exactly what you're getting now, so I don't think you have a point.

It would have been nice if E* had grandfather the existing $20 HD people on Feb 1st. when they downgrade to the HD Essential Pack.

I could see if after Feb. 1st. you upgraded to the Full HD Pack then sometime in the future downgraded.

I was thinking of adding the Starz package for the $10 I was going to save with the downgrade.

Which just makes me wonder whether you could still get a $10 movie pack price when you downgrade to HD essential Pack?

Scott you have any idea on this?
Where is the reference for this? Scotts note says:

"– dishHD Essential with America’s “Everything” Pak – (28 national HD channels, as of February 1, 2008, plus any applicable HD regional sports networks) – Includes all national HD channels that are included within dishHD Essential and AT250 with the addition of HBO HD, Cinemax HD, Showtime HD and Starz HD."

This seems to say you need everything PAK to get HBO HD.

No. The premium movie channel HD's are a separate thing. It does not matter what pack or level of HD you subscribe to, if you have a subscription to HBO and are subscribed to ANY HD at all, you will get the HBO HD channel. The same it true for each of the other premium movie (Showtime, Cinemax, Starz, etc..).
People, this is not that hard to understand.

"– dishHD Essential with America’s “Everything” Pak – Includes all national HD channels that are included within dishHD Essential and AT250 with the addition of HBO HD, Cinemax HD, Showtime HD and Starz HD."

What this is saying is that people who have Dish America's Everything Pak will not LOSE the HD version of these channels for downgrading to the $10 essential HD plan. They currently have all the SD premiums standard with their plan and the HD versions of these channels with DishHD add on plan. The reason its listed on there is because they want to make sure people with AEP know they will not lose their premium movie channels that they already pay for as part of their plan.

Anyone with the essential HD will be able to view premium channels and their corresponding HD versions for the monthly cost of the premium channel package.
I signed up for an 18 month commitment under the Dish N' Up promotion when I upgraded to a DVR 722 receiver. I currently subscribe to Dish HD and America's Top 200. My question is will I be able to downgrade from the $20 Dish HD package I currently have and switch to the $10 HD Essentials package on February 1st or am I locked into the $20 package for the full 18 months? If I am able to downgrade, will that add another 18 month commitment to Dish Network? I appreciate anyone taking the time to answer my questions. Thanks!
Leave it to E* to confuse the HELL out of all of it's HD Customers.

I have 250 with HD pack.
I'm going to get a rate increase if I keep these same channels PLUS loose the Voom channels?
I have the NHL CI pack
Multi Sport Pack

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Direct TV give us all of these channels (Less the Voom) for only $10.00 a month?
I signed up for an 18 month commitment under the Dish N' Up promotion when I upgraded to a DVR 722 receiver. I currently subscribe to Dish HD and America's Top 200. My question is will I be able to downgrade from the $20 Dish HD package I currently have and switch to the $10 HD Essentials package on February 1st or am I locked into the $20 package for the full 18 months? If I am able to downgrade, will that add another 18 month commitment to Dish Network? I appreciate anyone taking the time to answer my questions. Thanks!

My experience has been that you can downgrade, you pay a fee but you have commited to using a dish service for 18 months. Not the package level
You only have a commitment if you purchase or lease subsidized hardware. If you already own the hardware outright you can buy service from Dish month to month with no commitment.

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