Newb 811 Question


New Member
Original poster
Jul 6, 2004
I'm having my first Dish installed right now while at work. Finally cut the cord on the pig. I ordered an 811 for my HDTV in the LR and am seeing a lot of complaints about the box. It seems some folks are swapping them out and getting new ones to fix known issues. Is there a way to tell what version of the 811 I am receiving today? Would love to know if it is fresh or a box they blew the dust off in the back room.

Nervous anticipation awaits my return home!
It is very unlikely that you will get an old one, they were constantly out of stock, it took Dish quite a while to get the supply going. As far as a software/hardware issue, Dish keeps saying software and it will get fixed...
Let us know how it works out. Look to see if it has the Dish Pro logo on the front.
Tom in TX said:
Let us know how it works out. Look to see if it has the Dish Pro logo on the front.

From what I have read, the dish pro logo on front does not mean the box is the newest firmware. Check the SysInfo and look for LADD. I believe this is the latest.

There is some speculation about a hardware change and there is no solid evidence that one actually happened.

You might note some of the other polls, not everyone is upset with their 811. There are some happy users and people that are getting a lot out of their investment. The response on the 811 covers a wide spectrum of opinions.
Thanks everyone,

I received the 811 last night and so far so good. It looks like I have the latest firmware.

I do have another question however. I have a 34" Philips HDTV. I see the HD options on the 811 as 480P, 720P and 1080i. I can choose between 480 and 1080 but when I select 720P I lose the picture on my set. Any thoughts here? I'm using component video cables from the 811 to the set. I'm waiting for my DVI cable to arrive.

In addition, what would be the preffered setting on the 811 with regards to viewing non HD programming. 480, 720 or 1080?


Smackie said:
Thanks everyone,

I received the 811 last night and so far so good. It looks like I have the latest firmware.

I do have another question however. I have a 34" Philips HDTV. I see the HD options on the 811 as 480P, 720P and 1080i. I can choose between 480 and 1080 but when I select 720P I lose the picture on my set. Any thoughts here? I'm using component video cables from the 811 to the set. I'm waiting for my DVI cable to arrive.

In addition, what would be the preffered setting on the 811 with regards to viewing non HD programming. 480, 720 or 1080?




Your Phillips supports 1080i and 480p only. It does not support 720p. I do not know if the TV upconverts all 480p and 720p signals to 1080i, but I assume like all top line stuff nowadays it does. I have good luck leaving the 811 set to 1080i all the time. I have a DLP and it converts everything to 720p. It is more a matter of preference and whether you want to go into the 811 and change the resolution settings back and forth from 1080 to 480 every time you go from SD to HD.

Best of luck
Thanks for the reply. Will I be gaining any resolution on SD programming by changing it to 1080i? My guess is no. Is SD programming being broadcast in 480P like a progressive scan DVD player?

On another note I also have a 522 installed in the home and I has controlling the 811 with the 522 remote. any way to avoid the conflict?

Thanks again!

Smackie said:
Thanks for the reply. Will I be gaining any resolution on SD programming by changing it to 1080i? My guess is no. Is SD programming being broadcast in 480P like a progressive scan DVD player?

SD is broadcast at 480i. You won't be gaining any resolution on SD by changing it to 1080i, but it avoids the hassle of having to switch resolutions when going from SD->HD->SD. I do wish the 811 had a "Native" resolution setting that would switch it automatically, but I guess that's too much to ask.

Check switch?

Is it possible for a defective off-air tuner to get worse?

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