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If the players come out and kneel I am done with the NFL.
Agreed. Last year the players were finally settling down and doing their job. You saw people concentrating on playing football instead of claiming oppression at 3 million dollars/year plus signing bonuses and commercial deals. If thats the criteria I'm an oppressed white guy. Oddly, I'm OK with that as long as it isn't shoved in my face every Sunday during The National Anthem.
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Not sure how they are expecting more eyeballs when they are not showing anything new.

Red zone isn’t showing anything now and the NFL network is showing old games and shows.

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Let me clarify. My comment was directed more at if there is a season played this year and fans are not in the stands there will presumably more viewers, higher ad revenue, etc.
When traveling across the country in my RV I try to figure out what games I can watch. It will be one less thing I have to worry about if they kneel.

Now the big question for me is will the college football players kneel?
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Oddly, I'm OK with that as long as it isn't shoved in my face every Sunday during The National Anthem.
Do you get as upset when people don't remove their hats? Are not in the stands (going to the restroom, getting concessions, buying merchandise)? And "shoved in my face"? Only if the broadcast crew shows it. So when is an appropriate time to protest?

I'm guessing you were fine when the NFL blackballed Kapernick. They're a business, they can do what they want, right? So if the business decides kneeling is OK, that's their right also.
Do you get as upset when people don't remove their hats? Are not in the stands (going to the restroom, getting concessions, buying merchandise)? And "shoved in my face"? Only if the broadcast crew shows it. So when is an appropriate time to protest?

I'm guessing you were fine when the NFL blackballed Kapernick. They're a business, they can do what they want, right? So if the business decides kneeling is OK, that's their right also.

The appropriate time to protest is on their time. The appropriate time to protest is not durring the national anthem. Those men an women serve and have died for yours, mine, and that idot Kapernicks freedoms. It's not about BLM. It's about showing respect for all who have sacraficed everything for their country. Kneeling durring the anthem is a complete show of disrespect.
The appropriate time to protest is on their time. The appropriate time to protest is not durring the national anthem. Those men an women serve and have died for yours, mine, and that idot Kapernicks freedoms. It's not about BLM. It's about showing respect for all who have sacraficed everything for their country. Kneeling durring the anthem is a complete show of disrespect.
Oh, you mean the freedom to protest when they want? So you're upset because people are exercising the freedom that men and women who served fought for. Got it.

ETA: And I notice you apparently don't have a problem with people not taking off their hats or buying merchandise or food. If you're so set on "respecting" our country during the national anthem, shouldn't you also be ranting against these people?
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You do know that a Retired Army Green Beret suggested that CK kneel? Best line from that interview: "I don't necessarily agree with him, but what I've fought for, what we all fought for - whether we like it or not, we can say we don't like it all day - but we took an oath to defend the Constitution. And I fought to defend our rights, which obviously include the first amendment, you know, which is free speech."

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Is political talk allowed outside the pit or only when people are mad over black people kneeling for their rights?
So sad so many have no clue what the 1st amendment means....sigh...
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Back at Dish v. NFL channel...

Wasn't there a blackout of NFL channel last year during the off season?
Or maybe it was one of the broadcast networks?

That contract dispute setlled just as the season began...

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So sad so many have no clue what the 1st amendment means....sigh...

Its really pretty simple as its only one sentence long. The first 5 words being the most important in this case.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
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If you want to know how real vets feel, you can have a read here.

I'm a real veteran, since you brought it up.

First of all, this issue has nothing to do with the Constitution. Anyone who has read the Constitution knows that.

Is kneeling during the National Anthem disrespectful? Yes. Do I think it should be banned? No. I see disrespectful acts every day, by people of all colors and ethnicity. Lot's of people disrespect the Country, disrespect their parents, disrespect authority of any type, disrespect each other, and worst of all............disrespect themselves. We'd be mightily challenged to ban all disrespect. I also don't think any of it should be glorified, but I accept that others do.

Do police officers illegally target people of color? Yes. Do police officers have biases and prejudices? Yes. Are the majority of police officers racists? No. Should people of color share some of the fault for this attitude? I think so.

In the year 2020, is racism a result of what happened 150, 300 or 400 years ago? Maybe for a small segment who's grandparents never got over the Civil War. Racism isn't about skin color. Heck, most white people I know wish their skin was darker. Racism is about differences in culture, behavior, and most importantly attitude. "They're different, so I don't like them". Racism comes in all flavors, anyone who thinks only white people are racists, hasn't been around anyone else.

My son has racist beliefs. He didn't get them from me or his mother or any of his grandparents or the history of slavery. He formed his attitudes with 46 years of living beside, working with, socializing and befriending people of many races. I disagree with many of his perceptions, but they are his.

So, if players kneel during the National Anthem on game day, I won't see them because I don't watch pre-game, half-time, or post-game drivel. I wouldn't care if I did see them. But, if the NFL gives a washed up has been of an ex-quarterback a job just to be politically correct, I'll stop watching them.
I'm a real veteran, since you brought it up.

First of all, this issue has nothing to do with the Constitution. Anyone who has read the Constitution knows that.

Is kneeling during the National Anthem disrespectful? Yes. Do I think it should be banned? No. I see disrespectful acts every day, by people of all colors and ethnicity. Lot's of people disrespect the Country, disrespect their parents, disrespect authority of any type, disrespect each other, and worst of all............disrespect themselves. We'd be mightily challenged to ban all disrespect. I also don't think any of it should be glorified, but I accept that others do.

Do police officers illegally target people of color? Yes. Do police officers have biases and prejudices? Yes. Are the majority of police officers racists? No. Should people of color share some of the fault for this attitude? I think so.

In the year 2020, is racism a result of what happened 150, 300 or 400 years ago? Maybe for a small segment who's grandparents never got over the Civil War. Racism isn't about skin color. Heck, most white people I know wish their skin was darker. Racism is about differences in culture, behavior, and most importantly attitude. "They're different, so I don't like them". Racism comes in all flavors, anyone who thinks only white people are racists, hasn't been around anyone else.

My son has racist beliefs. He didn't get them from me or his mother or any of his grandparents or the history of slavery. He formed his attitudes with 46 years of living beside, working with, socializing and befriending people of many races. I disagree with many of his perceptions, but they are his.

So, if players kneel during the National Anthem on game day, I won't see them because I don't watch pre-game, half-time, or post-game drivel. I wouldn't care if I did see them. But, if the NFL gives a washed up has been of an ex-quarterback a job just to be politically correct, I'll stop watching them.
A real vet fought for the freedoms so one can peacefully protest.....Pretty damn simple....So next time you see a vet thank them for their sacrifice!

Well I guess all bathrooms and concessions should be closed down anytime the anthem is played also!
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Back at Dish v. NFL channel...

Wasn't there a blackout of NFL channel last year during the off season?
Or maybe it was one of the broadcast networks?

That contract dispute setlled just as the season began...

Sent from my SM-G986U using the SatelliteGuys app!

It was four years ago. Dropped on June 16, 2016; was restored on Aug 2, 2016 - just a couple of days before the Hall of Fame game and preseason started. I am guessing that Dish/NFL will come to an agreement in a similar fashion this time around. What will be interesting is if the season gets cancelled or postponed due to the virus. But in a normal setting, I think NFL Network would be back before the preseason.

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