NHL Center Ice HD

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 11, 2006
Wonder if someone can shed some light on the availability of HD games on NHL CI. I presently have NHL CI but not with HD receiver (yet). Looking at the Directv website NHL CI schedule it indicates the games on HD. Where I am confused is for example on November 22nd the schedule list 4 HD games on Channel 96. Since multiple games are on the same channel this would lead me to believe the HD games are only provided for the local RSN and not available to NHLCI subscribers as an out of market game. The link to the schedule is below for those willing to assist.

If you get the spotbeam for any of those RSN's you would get the game in HD... on a H20 or an HR20 receiver with an AT9 dish. Any game that is on ch. 95 you would get. If you get the HD package you would get the Thurs and Sat HDNet games as well.

With HDNet and ch 95 you get 3-5 a week. If we're lucky, when they launch their new sats next year (and FSN finishes their new facility) we'll get more next season.

Personally, I'm not holding my breath.

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