NHL HD tonight on Dish

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Tonight at 7:00 pm Dish Network will be showing the Florida -vs- Tampa Bay NHL Hockey Game in High Definition on channel 9466. This game will only be available to those who subscribe to the NHL Center Ice Package.
yeah I saw them do that before, but it was on the HDNet Movies channel because there was an NBA TV game on 9466

This was my post last time, I wonder how many people actually have a combo of NHL CI and HD.


Maybe there will be the possibilty that Dish will do some MLB this year.

I've created a list of special events at http://qcdr.com/hd/ that shows what's available to be broadcast

DISH Installation 3-31-04 Any recommendations

Here! PPV is now available

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