I rather like the info in one of the blacked-out sections of the linked document:
Wow, a mere $50 Million out of Echostar's pocket to continue their highly wasteful duplication of services known as Eastern Arc. Who knows how much they've had to pay so far just for having their own satellites parked in "Canadian-licensed" orbital locations.
I understand the need for duplication of services form 129W on 61.5W since 129W is way too far west for the east coast and 61.5W is way too far east for the west coast. When you get into 72.7W/77W vs. 110W/119W though, there isn't nearly as much of an issue with reception as long as you put the dish a reasonable distance from trees or give it some extra height. Dish needs to work on expanding their total capacity, not finding new ways to pour cash into duplication of services. I recall that they were the ones pushing elimination of duplication of services as a benefit of a Dish/DIRECTV merger a few years back. It was supposed to be a method of cutting costs and consolidating existing and future resources to allow the satellite companies to better compete against cable. Now they're just paying another country for extra capacity that further increases duplication of services. Backward, backward, backward...
The real funny thing about this whole deal is that bell is totally maxed out for space on their current fleet of 2 satellites lol, but their going to lease TP's to Dish?.. Dumb on bells part IMO!
I understand the need for duplication of services form 129W on 61.5W since 129W is way too far west for the east coast and 61.5W is way too far east for the west coast. When you get into 72.7W/77W vs. 110W/119W though, there isn't nearly as much of an issue with reception as long as you put the dish a reasonable distance from trees or give it some extra height. Dish needs to work on expanding their total capacity, not finding new ways to pour cash into duplication of services.
I understand the need for duplication of services form 129W on 61.5W since 129W is way too far west for the east coast and 61.5W is way too far east for the west coast. When you get into 72.7W/77W vs. 110W/119W though, there isn't nearly as much of an issue with reception as long as you put the dish a reasonable distance from trees or give it some extra height...
The whole Eastern Arc is about HD LOCALS.
By 2013, Dish must carry all the HD Locals, not just NBC/CBS/ABC/FOX.
I can't agree with that statement.
Of the 32 transponders at 61.5W, 19 are national beams and mostly carry international and HD channels mirrored from 118W and 129W.
Of the 16 transponders at 72.7W, all 16 are national beams carrying mirrors of national HD and SD channels from 110W and 119W. No local channels.
Of the 16 transponders at 77W, all 16 are national beams. 8 are carrying mirrored national SD and HD channels, and 8 are carrying locals (mostly SD).
Over 67% of Dish's Eastern Arc resources are being used for duplication of national services.
I just checked and from 121W/39N a satellite at 72.7W is only 23 degrees elevation. Seattle is even worse at 17.5 degrees elevation. The west cost would be SOL if 110/119/129 didn't exist. The same situation exists for the east coast if 77/72.7/61.5 didn't exist.
Plus one set of satellites couldn't possibly support all the necessary spot beams for locals.
It's not out of the question for newer, larger satellites to be parked over the middle of the US and cover the entire country but it might be more than twice as expensive to design and launch such a satellite system.
That may be true now, but the 77W replacement, Quetzsat-1, should have a lot of spotbeams. No word on what the E3/R1 replacements will have, but it's safe to assume they will have spotbeams, too. The EA is mostly made up of space junk right now.
The E8 spotbeams aren't used as they are pointing at the wrong places (it was designed for 110), and many are pointing at non-EA west coast markets. Using them wouldn't save much.
Also, 61.5 is no more overcrowded than any Dish HD transponder. Don't know what your getting at, there.
61.5 does not really have a capacity issue. They are moving internationals off which will free up TPs (TPs #8, 12, 14, 18, 29, 31). TP 10 is mostly PI. Plus 4 TPs are out on E3. Dish has indicated they want to move another satellite over (E6) as soon as NIMIQ5 gets into place.
That would be 10 more TPs. They will probably use a few of them for spots. E12 can convert more TPs from CONUS to spot to help pick up more secondary locals for the markets already covered. Plus once the new 77 bird goes up they will have more capacity at 77.
The real funny thing about this whole deal is that bell is totally maxed out for space on their current fleet of 2 satellites lol, but their going to lease TP's to Dish?.. Dumb on bells part IMO!
They have been moving internationals to 118.7 Ku FSS service.
Dish can put up all of EA for less than it cost for DIRECTV to put up their Ka satellites (more like 1/4 - 1/2 the price). DIRECTV went with Ka to salvage satellites they were going to use for internet access. It was a multibillion dollar cost, they took a couple billion dollar write down on the conversion.