Notice - Holistic Television

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
This is on the Dish Network Retailer Website

Holistic Television

We regret to inform you that effective December 27, 2006 the Holistic Television (Channel 9417) is no longer available. If a customer requests replacement programming, Lime (Channel 264) can be suggested. Lime is available in either AT180 or a la carte for $1.99/month.
I dont know but telling a customer who got that channel for free (as it was a PI channel) that they need to subscribe to the top 180 package or pay $2 a month for a simular channel is not going to make some folks happy at all.
I might have watched them occasionally if they had had program data in the guide, rather than just 4-hour blocks labeled "Holistic Television Network".
I dont know but telling a customer who got that channel for free (as it was a PI channel) ...
I'd love to hear a customer complain that they're losing a FREE channel ! Dish could of course give them a credit for the remainder of their time with Dish for the amount that the channel cost them....
I know a lot of people who would leave Dish is RFD TV went away and thats another free channel.

One channel I am surprised is still around is Good Samaraten Network, which still has not had a show on it since I have had Dish Network.
Well, your options are REAL limited with RFD TV. That channel, and most of the public-interest ones, are very, very narrow focused. How many non-farm households watch RFD ?? There was no great exodus with the loss of distants.... Those that left E* for D* because of the price increase a week or two ago, well, they just found out "the grass isn't always greener...".

I don't think near as many people quit because of a change or changes as people think. People b*tch about it and say they will, but most never do.
I'm guessing that my FAVs list skips 9400 up to the channel "under" TNT-HD. I remember watching a university professor lecture on C or C++ programming one day.... WHO's idea was it to tape that and broadcast it ??
Well, your options are REAL limited with RFD TV. That channel, and most of the public-interest ones, are very, very narrow focused. How many non-farm households watch RFD ?? There was no great exodus with the loss of distants.... Those that left E* for D* because of the price increase a week or two ago, well, they just found out "the grass isn't always greener...".

I don't think near as many people quit because of a change or changes as people think. People b*tch about it and say they will, but most never do.
RFD-TV fills the void when "The Nashville Network" got trashed by CBS.. I am surprised RFD-TV has not flipped to commercial status yet
"...lecture on C or C++ programming one day..."

Sorry I missed it. No, I'm not joking.
Lime is available in either AT180 or a la carte for $1.99/month.

I'm surprised that E* is even offering LIME a la carte, since VERY few ATxx channels ARE a la carte.
The only other ones I can think of are Bloomberg, Outdoor ch & Golf (or is IT even available a la carte anymore?)

Which also begs the question - who in their right mind would actually PAY (& pay $2 at THAT) for LIME??? :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I know a lot of people who would leave Dish is RFD TV went away and thats another free channel.

One channel I am surprised is still around is Good Samaraten Network, which still has not had a show on it since I have had Dish Network.

What! If they took away RFD-TV then there would be no more Big Joes Polka Show. Now that would be a travesty!!!!!!! :D ;)

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