Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

My installer was great but he did call before he showed up and tried to get me to use all Wireless Joeys instead of 4K Joeys and a Joey 2.0. I said no and he was cool with that but it got me thinking he might be up to something. Install went great and I think the installer just didn't want to go and get the 4K Joeys from a different location (he probably had the wireless Joeys on his truck). He was pretty pushy about taking my DirecTv dish. Not a huge deal I didn't want it but he kept saying for "recycling" and that made me think there must be a black market for them (I see them on CL for like $20-$30) probably the same for remotes.
My installer was great but he did call before he showed up and tried to get me to use all Wireless Joeys instead of 4K Joeys and a Joey 2.0. I said no and he was cool with that but it got me thinking he might be up to something. Install went great and I think the installer just didn't want to go and get the 4K Joeys from a different location (he probably had the wireless Joeys on his truck). He was pretty pushy about taking my DirecTv dish. Not a huge deal I didn't want it but he kept saying for "recycling" and that made me think there must be a black market for them (I see them on CL for like $20-$30) probably the same for remotes.

I wonder if he just thinks the install would be easier or faster with the Wireless Joeys.
I was #6 on the DIRt list. I had a PM from Dirt at 6:20 Mtn time. I gave them the info they asked for ( accr #, etc). About 45 minutes later, l received a response asking if they could add the protection plan so I wouldn't have be charged for a service call. I said that was fine. Then 30 minutes later another responses asking for last four digits of credit card. Then 15 to 20 minutes later I received confirmation of install. Scheduled for arrival today between 8-12:00. When I went to a Dishes web site it showed it was scheduled for Sunday 8-12. I clicked on reschedule and was able to choose today from 8-12. I did that and 30 or so minutes later got the auto call from dish confirming installer would arrive between 10:00 and 11:15. He showed up right at 11:15. Install went smooth. It took about 2 hours. It was his first Hopper 3 install.

He installed the new lnbf, then put in the new hybrid solo hub.
Then swapped in the new H3 in place of the old H2. While it was downloading he swapped out my 2 Joey 1's for the Joey 2's.

It all went really smooth, he only glitch we had was the H3 didn't have any audio. We did dome trouble shooting, swapping hdmi cables and inputs, and determined the cable and tv was fine. We then did a reset on the H3 and the audio started working.

The installer was pretty excited to install something new. He was pretty up to speed on what the H3 offers over the H2. Even though this was the first he had seen the Carbon interface.

He was very familiar with the 52 remote, and spent quite awhile explaining how it worked.

After we got everything going I wanted to add my old 40.0 remote, and he said that they didn't work on the H3. I said I'm certain it will work. So we tried it, and it added the remote with no issue. He was surprised and said he would tell the guys on his team that the old remotes are compatible.

After he left I restored my timers, it took me awhile to figure out how to do that.

The carbon interface looks great and is very fast. Buts it's going to take awhile to get used to.
I think I will like the 52.0 remote, but I think it's going to take awhile.
How do you restore your timers? Did you have to do this manually or what?
Well I had the Hopper 3 and 3 Joey's 2.0 installed on Feb 3, 2016. The Dish Tech said I was the first on the Outer Banks to order a Hopper 3 and this was his first time installing. Arrived around noon which was in the time estimate and stayed about 2 hours. Everything went fine with the install, it was only afterwards that I had some problems. I was amazed that the Tech did not know anything about the Hopper 3! Said he was told that a part of the dish had to be replaced and depended on the download to do most of the heavy work!
Noticed that Download Software for the new Hopper 3 ran twice to populate the new Hopper.
Kept the remotes and glad I did as I had a backup on the old 40 remote that I used.
Noticed that when I have to reboot because something is not acting right, it goes thru 2 reboots: No Signal first, then Hopper 3 reboot with low definition, Hopper 3 reboot with high definition, No Signal next, Hopper 3 reboot with low definition, Hopper 3 reboot with high definition until it gets to screen 535 finding a signal. If this last doesn't move off the 10% within 5 minutes (as it says), must reboot again! Usually takes 5 minutes to reboot, but sometimes as long as 15-20 minutes!!
Was able to hook up the old 40 remote with the Hopper 3, & it worked well. But can I hook up both the 40 remote and 52 remote at the same time? Couldn't find a way to do it!
Waiting for Dish to repopulate with all the standard pics and downloads and will report on that later. All in all, probably 90% happy! Hopper 3 is certainly faster and more powerful, and think I see a minor picture enhancement for the old Hopper 2!
It blows my mind how these install companies want to take customer's remotes. They have no right to just take them. If they want them they should ask. Next thing you know they'll be taking the HDMI cable too since the new receiver comes with one.

Just a way for them to make some extra money by taking advantage of the customer.

One retailer told me they take them back and build up a big box of them and then RMA them back to DISH as defective and get sent new remotes which they sell.

Other than that a remote is probably the dirtiest item in your house. So not sure why they would want them back.
One retailer told me they take them back and build up a big box of them and then RMA them back to DISH as defective and get sent new remotes which they sell.

Other than that a remote is probably the dirtiest item in your house. So not sure why they would want them back.

Mostly to resell and make pure profit on.
The tech I had left the H3 at the 720p setting. I did not realize that right away, but thought the picture was a bit soft. I put it at 1080p and the image snapped to life!
Overall, everything went according to plan. Dish was on top of the scheduled installation all the way. It took exactly 1 hour for the total upgrade including the hybrid install.
Tech mentioned some there is noticeable variation in download times between locations and/or receivers. Fortunately mine was fast. I gave tech a '9' on the survey.
I could not have asked for better service. The H3 has been flawless (as well as Joey).
One retailer told me they take them back and build up a big box of them and then RMA them back to DISH as defective and get sent new remotes which they sell.

Other than that a remote is probably the dirtiest item in your house. So not sure why they would want them back.

Retailers aren't allowed to take away the old equipment, with the exception of the old dish. The receivers, remotes and LNB's are all left with the customer and Dish sends boxes for them. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.
Retailers aren't allowed to take away the old equipment, with the exception of the old dish. The receivers, remotes and LNB's are all left with the customer and Dish sends boxes for them. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.

He's talking about the remotes, not the receivers. Dish says they want the remotes sent back but the only item that is required to be returned is the receiver. If a retailer wanted to they could take the remotes and do exactly what Scott said. They could also keep the new HDMI cable that comes with the new receiver and sell those. I've seen that done before too.
I've had my H3 since sunday. Very pleased with the No tuner conflicts. I think the biggest compliment that I can give the H3 is that it no longer feels new. New electronic toys usually take a while to get used to how they work. With the H3 I have been using the new remote. At first I didn't like it but now it just feels like I have been using it forever. I can get to the screens that I want quickly. I have reported on some bugs but overall, I am very happy with it.

It has become comfortable.
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Retailers aren't allowed to take away the old equipment, with the exception of the old dish. The receivers, remotes and LNB's are all left with the customer and Dish sends boxes for them. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.

My first Hopper install and now this upgrade, they took the receivers and remotes. That's less hassle for me, my account shows the transition.
Still waiting for the guy to show up. I was scheduled for 8am-12pm, and four times the appointment has been pushed back (though I only got notified of the updated time by logging into my account online. No call.). Now it's scheduled for 11:15-12:30pm. I scheduled it in the morning because I had to pick up my kid from school at 3:15. Now I wonder if they'll get it done in time, or if I'll have to reschedule.
I am trying to transfer my recording to the new Hopper 3 from Hopper 2000. When I try transfering first to my external drive, it does not see the networks programs I have saved, so i cannot select them to transfer.
So i connected both receivers via ethernet and used the option in H3 to transfer, it shows that it is doing it but nothing happens. After 12 hours my DVR on hopper3 is still at 1% DVR space used. So it is not transferring.
As soon as the tech came and I explained a couple of things I also mentioned that I am keeping my current remotes in addition to the new ones. He said he had to take them and I basically told him he's not He said he would have to call his supervisor and ask and I told him again I am keep them and explained that I already know I can keep them. I think once he knew I was knowledgeable about all this stuff (thanks to this forum) he didn't mention anything else about taking the remotes. He never even called his supervisor or anyone else about it. They seem to really want those remotes though and will take them from people who do not know any better. I kept the new batteries, new HDMI Cables (even though I did not use them as I already have HDMI 2.0 cables that I was using). All he took was the receivers.
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As soon as the tech came and I explained a couple of things I also mentioned that I am keeping my current remotes in addition to the new ones. He said he had to take them and I basically told him he's not He said he would have to call his supervisor and ask and I told him again I am keep them and explained that I already know I can keep them. I think once he knew I was knowledgeable about all this stuff (thanks to this forum) he didn't mention anything else about taking the remotes. He never even called his supervisor or anyone else about it. They seem to really want those remotes though and will take them from people who do not know any better. I kept the new batteries, new HDMI Cables (even though I did not use them as I already have HDMI 2.0 cables that I was using). All he took was the receivers.
I will have my H3 upgrade next week. How can you tell the difference from HDMI 2.0 versus old HDMI cable? Does H3 require HDMI 2.0 cable even though it is limited to 1080i for now?
I am trying to transfer my recording to the new Hopper 3 from Hopper 2000. When I try transfering first to my external drive, it does not see the networks programs I have saved, so i cannot select them to transfer.
So i connected both receivers via ethernet and used the option in H3 to transfer, it shows that it is doing it but nothing happens. After 12 hours my DVR on hopper3 is still at 1% DVR space used. So it is not transferring.

Transferring from one Hopper to another using ethernet is not active at this time, (just like Netflix, has been mentioned numerous times so don't worry) if you have PTAT programs they will not transfer to EHD till the # of days saved has passed - just like previous Hoppers. Change PTAT to save 2 days & then you can transfer after that time or turn off PTAT - if you totally turn it off I think you lose the autohop on the programs though.
My Hybrid LNBF and Hub arrived on Tuesday, and I installed without issue. Hopper arrived yesterday, installed it last night and called to activate. All is working well. ONE MAJOR PROBLEM. I bought this from a retailer and did a self install, but my equipment status on my account says that it is leased! On the phone with a CSR right now, and they're demanding i fax my receipt. I would have to drive 20+ miles and pay to use a fax machine, I'm not doing that because of their error during install. They won't take an email forward for some reason. If they would just look into it, it's black and white. No upgrade request, no appointment, no contract renewal. Let's see, that would all have to happen for it to be a leased receiver and none of the above is true. Hopefully this is resolved by the time I'm off the phone. I shouldn't have to fax them my retailer receipt to prove it's mine, all the facts point to it being mine.
He's talking about the remotes, not the receivers. Dish says they want the remotes sent back but the only item that is required to be returned is the receiver. If a retailer wanted to they could take the remotes and do exactly what Scott said. They could also keep the new HDMI cable that comes with the new receiver and sell those. I've seen that done before too.

That means that when Dish says they want the remote back they don't really mean it? I don't like to have any misunderstandings with the customer at all so I tell them to do what Dish says. :)

Like Scott said, that would be nasty selling used remotes. At least Dish reconditions them before they go back out.
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