Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

BobMurdoch, go into remote settings (I think) and set the volume to control aux device. That will operate the AV receiver volume instead of TV volume when in SAT mode.

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BobMurdoch, go into remote settings (I think) and set the volume to control aux device. That will operate the AV receiver volume instead of TV volume when in SAT mode.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

I didn't see it there on my first visit clicking through various settings pages, but will recheck tonight....
No page scroll buttons anymore.
Channel up/down buttons scroll pages.

As I use an AV receiver for my audio, I can control the sound but I have to switch to the AUX button... Any way to change it to the SAT stack of commands like I used to be able to do?
1. Press Home > Menu > Settings > Remote Control.
2. Under "Devices," configure Auxiliary Device for your AV Receiver. There is a built-in Search function so you do not have to have a device code.
3. Under "Customizations," seclect "Volume & Mute Buttons Control Auxiliary Device's Volume."

I'm not crazy about how it organizes recordings. I'm used to one master list popping up when I press the DVR button, now I have to drill down in some folders, it clutters quick with PrimeTime shows it records that I don't want .
Not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do, but after you press "DVR," press "Options" and you can manage folders.

(Is there a way to tell it to NOT record certain shows,... if not there should be?)
No. In PTAT Options, you can choose specific networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) and specific nights, but not specific shows.

Do they get deleted after 8 days if I don't watch them by then, even if I set up a recurring timer for the show?
If you set up a recurring timer for a show, it will remain in your non-PTAT recordings (the "ones you do want"). It will not be deleted automatically.

Favorite Primetime Big 4 shows should allow an optional star to be attached so that they don't get deleted at 8 days in case I am out of town on vacation...
See previous answer. Create a timer for those shows and they will not be auto-deleted.
Thanks for the clarification. My apologies if they seemed silly... Still getting used to the new status quo.... Will try the channel/scroll down later and reprogram the volume function based on your suggestion. Thank you for taking the time to address....
the 4th satellite is 118. It has international channels for those that watch them.
Thanks Bobby! What I dont understand is I had 118 with one dish set up too. Net-Net I still have all 4 sats before and after upgrade, difference being one more dish on the roof; may be for 4K content, IDK. Thanks everyone!!
Thanks Bobby! What I dont understand is I had 118 with one dish set up too. Net-Net I still have all 4 sats before and after upgrade, difference being one more dish on the roof; may be for 4K content, IDK. Thanks everyone!!
The single dish was a 1000+ and was designed to give you all 4 satellites. The Hopper 3 can't use that particular dish or LNB configuration. So, you got a 1000.2 dish and hybrid LNB for the Hopper 3 and the other dish is for 118 only.
I've watched some On Demand trailers on the new H3, some were just OK, especially when just started. But then some really looked amazing.

The trailers are there so you can see what the movie is about, it is not meant to guage the actual picture quality of the program when you order with via VOD. A lot of those previews look HORRIBLE and I wouldn't be surprised if they are streamed from Youtube instead of the VOD provider servers.
If you set up a recurring timer for a show, it will remain in your non-PTAT recordings (the "ones you do want"). It will not be deleted automatically.

To add to this for BobMurdoch...I watch a fair amount of network shows and this is the method I use regardless of if I think I'll watch them before or after the PTAT window I have set. This way I only have to wade in the PTAT pool if there is a one off show I want to see. Just be aware of a few things. First, you'll see the timer listed in the list of timers you've set but you won't see a PTAT show specifically in your schedule of upcoming recordings. In the schedule it just shows PTAT as a recording. Next you won't see the little scheduled to record or skip icon in the corner of the show tile. It will only have the PT icon. The actual show tiles do appear once recording has begun. And lastly, shows you've set separate timers for are really just pointers back to the PTAT folder until the window passes. So you won't be able to transfer them up to an EHD until after the window when it makes a physical copy.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info.... This is part of the reason that I got nervous about things deleting after 8 days.... I sometimes get behind a few weeks on some shows and then binge watch to catch up.... When I looked at the schedule my timers had a strikethrough and said PTAT after them as the reason.... Thought they might zap my recordings after 8 days, but it looks that fear was not warranted so I am fine.... I'm a little concerned how it says the DVR is 8% full after a single day.... Is there a bunch of content that E* shovels on (PPV, etc.)?
Anyone having a problem with their OTA dongle working with the H3? Unlike others who have reported that they can't get their OTA channels into their favorites list, mine have all loaded correctly. My problem is when trying to change from one OTA sub-channel to another my H3 has gone black and then rebooted twice already. It also went black and rebooted once when I tried to scan for OTA channels. Anyone else having this problem?

Thanks for the info.... This is part of the reason that I got nervous about things deleting after 8 days.... I sometimes get behind a few weeks on some shows and then binge watch to catch up.... When I looked at the schedule my timers had a strikethrough and said PTAT after them as the reason.... Thought they might zap my recordings after 8 days, but it looks that fear was not warranted so I am fine.... I'm a little concerned how it says the DVR is 8% full after a single day.... Is there a bunch of content that E* shovels on (PPV, etc.)?

Note on your PTAT comment/question: If I select a recorded program and then the "info" button (sorry, I'm using the older 40.0 remote) there are a number of options given for that program, including "save" and "save series".
Anyone having a problem with their OTA dongle working with the H3? Unlike others who have reported that they can't get their OTA channels into their favorites list, mine have all loaded correctly. My problem is when trying to change from one OTA sub-channel to another my H3 has gone black and then rebooted twice already. It also went black and rebooted once when I tried to scan for OTA channels. Anyone else having this problem?

Mine has worked flawlessly, although I haven't tried adding OTA channels to a favorites list.