One single Christmas Gift From Dish.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Sun City West, AZ
If you could only pick one thing, what would you like Dish to offer new for 2012? Remember, just one thing. I'll start out with a lighted remote. Not earth shattering but a really nice thing to have. Even if I had to pay maybe $35 for it.
Ability to organize EHD recordings into arbitrary folders.

And FearNet HD... not because I want it, but because I want people to stop asking for it.

...I know the OP said one gift, but I've been particularly good this year. ;)
A stand alone player software so I can watch all my Slingboxes (including the 922 and Sling Adapter) without needing to watch via the web!
Hmmm.......only one thing, really?
Okay..........Well, I suppose that I would like TeenNick just for The '90s Are All That in Dish Latino Dos...:D
However, not having it may be a good thing in terms of actually going to sleep earlier than I would if I caught the encore of the block.....

[I was considering going with adding more to the $5/month Encore Movie Pack like Encore (East) SD or/and HD to it along with Encore Family, RetroPlex, and IndiePlex. However, I think that some would have considered that more than one thing. It seems fair to me for those who may sub to both Starz and Encore for those without America's Top 250 or do not want to sub to America's Top 250.]
I would say the ability to do picture in picture while in dual mode. Either with the other pip being what is shown on TV2 or the other pip only being the OTA.

Also, perhaps the ability to switch from dual to single mode by using the remote rather than having to go to up to the box. I would think this one could be done with just a software update....
DRA that WORKED. (Tried to use it on my Evo 3D last night but it didn't think my receiver was online, but it was according to the receiver).
BBMP menus that are intuitive and easy to search on titles, actors, etc.

This may be the first time the word intuitive has appeared in a Dish thread, except for wish lists of course....
I'd take my NY RSN's back, but since I know that isn't going happen, hows about waiving the $15 receiver return fee, so that when I cancel this year when my contract is up, you can flip the bill for getting your own receivers back.
If I didn't like D* when I switched, I might consider coming back to E*, but hitting me with that fee, I would probably try cable just because you pissed me off with your return receiver fee. ( Might be something to think about.)

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