Opinons on the 360??

Well I now have both, meaning the 360 and PS3, just sprung the $600 for the PS3. I was most interested in having a BD player and there are a couple games I want.

MY 360 has served me well, no problems and great games. I would have to lean towards the 360 for gaming for sure. Although the few demos I have downloaded for the PS3 are good the 360 is a more mature product with a great selection of games. The overall look and feel of the OS and on line features are much better as well.

Two of the BIG disappointments with the PS3 have been.

1. No HD cables included. I mean really, for $600 they could have at least thrown in a set of component cables, cost me another $25.

2. No IR capability. For those who pick up one of these for BD you are going to be pissed when your Harmony or other universal remote will not run this thing as it only accepts bluetooth.

So, I would recommend the 360 for sure. Great games, great console, great on line experience. Also for less than $200 you can add on HDDVD if you choose.
Between 360 and PS3, I'm a little disappointed with both. PS3 doesn't seem to have any titles going for it at the moment, but they've never had a problem with content in the past. Right now, I'm not going to buy it until some more games come out that I would actually want to play. Motorstorm didn't seem to effectively demonstrate the capabilities of the PS3. I'm sure once those crazy Japanese developers start pumping out colorful and imaginitive games, I'll have changed my mind.

360 is cool and there are a lot of things I enjoy about it. The controllers have great response, the connection to the Internet was simple, and the interface is easy to use(most of the time). The 360 definitely has a larger library of games, but not much variety. Dead or Alive 4 is fun, and I've been playing that with my fiance ever since we bought the system. Viva Pinata looks like a quirky title, but I haven't tried it yet. The rest of the games are all soldier-type scenarios with unimaginative "American action movie"-style plots. FPS's and racers all look boring to me. The Live Arcade stuff is cool too, but it doesn't come out with content quickly enough all the time.

Other problems:
-Not a lot of fun multiplayer (same room) stuff
-Needs adventure and platform titles
-Login process during multiplayer is annoying for friends unfamiliar with the 360. Just let them play!
-Need to find a way to temporarily disable center dashboard button during fighting games. It looks pretty and everyone wants to press it!