OTA over MoCA after Carbon update


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 12, 2007
I'm having problems viewing OTA channels (from the Hopper OTA adapter) on my Joeys over a coax MoCA connection. I'm getting lots of artifacts and audio drops. This seems to have started after all the devices got the update to the Carbon UI. Before that I had no issues for years. All the MoCA connections show strong in the settings screen.

Has anyone else seen this? Any suggestions? Thanks.
Yes. I have a HWS and Joey 4K. But my problem started about two months ago with the update of U237. The breaking up comes and goes even on OTA stations with close to 100% signal strength. I did report it to a DIRT member. You might want to do the same.
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Thanks for the confirmation. I'm honestly not sure when it started but I know it wasn't happening before the UI update. Did DIRT give you any feedback?
Yep, many people have reported this. A workaround for me is when the Joey has the issue, go to the Hopper and tune to the same Ota channel. Fixes it for me, until the next time it happens.
Yep, many people have reported this. A workaround for me is when the Joey has the issue, go to the Hopper and tune to the same Ota channel. Fixes it for me, until the next time it happens.
I've noticed when that happens to me, I switch to an adjacent channel then back again and this seems to fix whatever's wrong. It seems channel switching resets something in the CUI. And yes, my OTA was rock solid for years until the CUI was forced upon me.
I've noticed when that happens to me, I switch to an adjacent channel then back again and this seems to fix whatever's wrong. It seems channel switching resets something in the CUI. And yes, my OTA was rock solid for years until the CUI was forced upon me.
Simply changing the channel doesn't work for me unfortunately, wish it was that easy. Really need a fix as it ruins Ota recordings as well.

Change Hopper Update Time

Problem with Auto Tune on Joey with new Hopper 3

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