poll what do u think will happen monday night with viacom

What does "loose channels" mean?

This reminds me of when san francisco lost NBC for a year. In fact, they never reached an agreement, and the only reason we got NBC back was that NBC switched affiliates (and later purchased the new affiliate).
cmaier said:
What does "loose channels" mean?

This reminds me of when san francisco lost NBC for a year. In fact, they never reached an agreement, and the only reason we got NBC back was that NBC switched affiliates (and later purchased the new affiliate).

That's partially true. E stopped negotiating with them because they knew there was going to be a new NBC carrier. If you remember, our entire local package was FREE during that period. I'd like to see something similar during any Viacom outage period that may happen. (Partial credit, though, not full package credit.)

And "loose channels" is a bug in the 811. Apparently, while viewing the EPG, some channels fall off of the screen onto the living room carpet, leaving a big stain.

BTW, I voted for the 3rd choice, which seems to me the most logical.

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