PS3 - 8000 games will not work

Come on Vurbano. The title is misleading. Its not 8000 wont play, its some have issues and some wont play.

"For instance, the PS3 might not play background music to the popular "Tekken 5" combat game, and some scenes from the "Gran Tourismo" racing game might freeze, according to Sony. The game "Suikoden III" can't read data from a first-generation PlayStation, while a virtual gun in one of the "Biohazard" games won't fire properly.

Some older games won't run on the PS3 at all, according to Sony Computer Entertainment spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka. Online upgrades of the PS3 software will be offered, but it's unlikely that all the problems will ever get fixed, he said."

Keep in mind, Xbox 360 is not compatible with all Xbox games. There is a list and its got most of the popular ones but this is not a strange occurance.
also gamespot just reviewed call of duty 3 for the ps3 and it has frame rate issues....i really hope this dosent get ugly for sony as i liked their products!
Come on Vurbano. The title is misleading. Its not 8000 wont play, its some have issues and some wont play.

"For instance, the PS3 might not play background music to the popular "Tekken 5" combat game, and some scenes from the "Gran Tourismo" racing game might freeze, according to Sony. The game "Suikoden III" can't read data from a first-generation PlayStation, while a virtual gun in one of the "Biohazard" games won't fire properly.

Some older games won't run on the PS3 at all, according to Sony Computer Entertainment spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka. Online upgrades of the PS3 software will be offered, but it's unlikely that all the problems will ever get fixed, he said."

Keep in mind, Xbox 360 is not compatible with all Xbox games. There is a list and its got most of the popular ones but this is not a strange occurance.

Well, when they first announced the PS3 2 years ago, they DID say 100% backwards compatibility.
Well, when they first announced the PS3 2 years ago, they DID say 100% backwards compatibility.

Yep. Sony should learn not to promise something they cant deliver. But then, this is nothing new. I used to be a huge Sony fan and would pay the premium. Now, they are my last choice. I do wonder how pervasive the issues are. If its excessive, it is gonna be a big issue for them.
Sony Corp. said on Wednesday that online software upgrades to its new video game console, the PlayStation 3, will fix glitches that make some older PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games not run properly on the PS3.

Kaz Hirai, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment America, told Reuters that more than 8,000 PS2 games will play on the PS3, and that so-called "firmware" upgrades will address problems found with about 200 games since sales of the PS3 started last week in Japan.

"We are aiming for perfect compatibility. Our goal is 100 percent compatibility," he said in an interview. "We are trying to get there as quickly as possible."

More here:,1697,2059903,00.asp

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